沉船脱险 Trapped in a Sunken Ship(1 / 1)

理查德·米兰达/Richard Miranda

With a loud noise, the corroded bulkhead collapsed, sealing off the divers escape route. Now, as he groped desperately through the dark maze of drowned passageways, he could measure his life expectancy precisely-by the 25-minute supply of air in his tan……

Had I known what was facing me on June 16,1979,I would never have left the dock. As it was, preoccupied with the wreck of the USS San Diego, I headed my 47-foot dive boat, the Barnacle Bill, out of Jones Inlet, Long Island, N.Y.

An American heavy cruiser, the San Diego had met her fates in 1918 as she escorted cargo ships about ten miles south of Fire Island. Some crew members claimed the warship struck a mine. As a professional dive boat captain I didnt care why she sank, only that I had a good crew and 20 scuba divers aboard, all eager to hit the water in search of artifacts.

Three and a half hours later, the Barnacle Bill arrived at the wreck, and we dropped our grappling hook. I summoned crew members Doreen Olsen and Lars Hansen, and we prepared the vessel for the dive. Since Doreen and Lars are both licensed captains, they could attend the Barnacle Bill while I dived.

Once the topside chores were taken care of, I suited up, hit the water with a splash and swam toward the anchor line. The water was crystal clear. Most of the divers were already at the bottom, and I could see their bubbles coming to the surface. What a sight!

Twenty feet down, I could already make out the wrecks dark outline, rising off the bottom like the lonely ruins of a cathedral.

I headed toward the stern, looking for an opening in the hull that I had used on earlier dives. I knew it would take me to the small arms locker where I had previously located boxes of ammunition. The guns themselves should be nearby, I fgured:They would make great souvenirs, even if corroded.

Diving into a wreck like the San Diego can be dangerous, and defnitely is not for beginners. The vessel is upside down, resting in 102 feet of water, and you can imagine the frigid loneliness that grabs you when you swim into the dark twists and turns of her interior.

I spotted the opening, moved inside and played my light around the front corridor. I knew this section of the wreck well, but as I swam deeper I saw that rusting bulkheads and decaying decks had given way during the winter, changing the shape of the interior considerably.

Suddenly I heard a loud noise. I turned and swam back 40 feet toward the frst bulkhead. When I got there, I was struck with terror. The noise I had heard was a bulkhead collapsing against the gap through which I had entered the wreck.

I was trapped.

Into the Maze. My heart beat so loud I could hear it I wanted to scream for help, pray, kick-turn all this into a nightmare from which I could awake. But it was no nightmare. Moreover, my plight was of my own making, I had gone down improperly equipped-no safety line to guide me back, no alternate air supply and, most important, no diving companion. My mind flashed back four years when my colleagues pulled the body of a diver from the same wreck. They found him ten feet from an opening through which he might have escaped. But he had panicked, removed the equipment and made a last-ditch effort to swim to safety. His fngers were scratched to the bone by his vain attempt to tear through the ships hull.

I tried to relax, because I knew the more excited I got, the faster I would use up my air. Physically Im in good shape, I thought, so I should be able to stretch another 25 minutes out of this tank.bat what should l do?I had to probe deeper into the wreck and fnd an opening large enough to escape through.

I thought of the deck guns. Often divers would squeeze through openings in the gun turrets and work their way into the vessel. If I can get to the gun turrets, I‘ll have a chance. Since the ship was inverted, however, the gun turrets might be buried under sand on the ocean’s foor. Moreover, going into deeper water would cut into my precious air supply, because the more pressure you have on your body, the more air it takes to fll your lungs.

I cringed at the possibilities, but fgured I had to go for the gun turrets as fast as I dared, without getting out of breath.

I found an opening that allowed me to go lower into the ship. As I twisted through a maze of narrow corridors, a thousand ugly visions fashed through my mind. Each one reminded me that I was probably going to die.

A Few Breaths Left. I came to a fork in the corridor. On the right was a clutter of pipes and debris, so I opted for the left and went about 40 feet before coming to a dead end.

I retreated and swam carefully around the pipes and other debris in the passageway to the right. Twenty feet along it my lamp began to dim. Without light, lm as good as dead. Just no way I can fnd my way around. So now the race was against a dying battery as well as a diminishing air supply.

In the next passageway, I caught a glimpse of light through a crack in the hull-but it was not nearly wide enough for me to get through. I knew my diving companions would be heading back to the anchor line by now, so I decided to stop and take a chance of attracting their attention.

I found a piece of copper pipe and put one of my rubber gloves over its end. Then I pushed the glove through the opening and waved it. If someone noticed the glove, he could at least get extra tanks of air through the narrow gap. Sure enough, a diver appeared.

I stretched my arm through the opening, and with my knife scratched on the side of the hull:“Trapped……Air……Rope.”

The diver headed for the surface as fast as he dared, to let the others know of my predicament.

With only a few minutes of air left in my tank, I was panicking. I know Lars will be here……if l can just hang on. To conserve air, I skipped every other beat in my breathing rhythm. For an instant, I considered moving on, using up the air in a last desperate effort to fnd my own way out. Then I heard Larss bubbles as he approached.

Next moment he was pushing in the frst of two air tanks he had brought down. I strapped it on. Each tank would give me an additional 30 minutes to work my way out of this underwater labyrinth. I feltbetter already.

Desperate Choice. Lars had also brought down a light for me and a long safety line. Grabbing the lamp and one end of the line, I headed back into the wreck. Now, by pulling the line after me, I could return for more air. That is, if no more bulkheads closed in behind me.

As I worked back into the wreck, Lars fastened the other spare tank to the side of the narrow opening, and then began looking along the outside of the hull for a possible way to get me out.

Pacing myself to keep from getting out of breath, I swam cautiously through a confusion of narrow corridors and cluttered spaces. I kept bumping into pipes, jabbing myself with protruding objects and taking wrong turns. Fear was squeezing the breath out of me.

Soon I came to a spot that resembled the inside of a gun turret. There was a narrow opening to it that might just accommodate my 200-pound frame if I removed my tank and pulled it through after me. I had to chance it.

But as I squeezed through the opening, the tank fell from my grasp. The regulator was jerked from my mouth, nearly pulling my front teeth out. I had a fast choice to make-either search for the tank I had dropped or try to follow the safety line 70 feet back to the other tank Lars had left for me. I doubted that I could make the swim on the air remaining in my lungs. But could I locate the dropped tank?

Perhaps I should just give up, open my mouth and fll my lungs with water. It will be over in a few seconds, and then I can rest.

This was crazy!

Something grabbed my right shoulder. I nearly jumped out of my wet suit. It was Lars. He had managed to fnd a way down around the gun turret, via another opening in the wreck.

I grabbed Larss mouthpiece and gasped in a few breaths of air. I was almost out of my jam Lars and I could buddy-breathe from his tank and work our way clear of the wreck, following the safety line he had pulled behind him.

We wriggled out through the gun turret without too much trouble. But I had been near the bottom for 70 minutes;Id have to spend over an hour decompressing. We followed the anchor line to the ten-foot level. There we found two sets of double tanks waiting for us, lowered by our alert shipmates.

When eventually we eased to the surface everyone on board greeted us with sighs of relief. It seemed that a dark curtain had lifted as I gazed at the beautiful seascape glittering in bright sunshine.

Back on the Barnacle Bill, I pulled off my gear and thanked Lars and my other resourceful companions. Then I went down into the cabin to rest. Lars appeared in the doorway, a slight grin on his face.“What would you have done if I hadnt shown up?”he kidded me.

I considered.“When I got back to the boat,”I said,“Id have fred you. Now let me sleep.”









































例 Women have a higher life expectancy than men.



例 Summon the pupils together in the school hall.



例 I was devastated by the news of the wreck.



例 This room can accommodate four people.










But he had panicked, removed the equipment and made a last-ditch effort to swim to safety.

make an effort:努力;作出努力


Pacing myself to keep from getting out of breath, I swam cautiously through a confusion of narrow corridors and cluttered spaces.

out of breath:喘不过气来;上气不接下气
