母爱的奇迹 The Miracle of Mother's Love
With all the energy that only a playful three-year-old can have, Caitlin Hedges clambers over her mum Trish and tugs at her arm for attention. As 37-year-old Trish tickles her, Caitlin collapses in fits of giggles.
Just the fact that they are sitting in their living room in Peterborough is a miracle-because four years ago, Trish had to make a terrible choice. She was suffering from cancer and being treated with chemotherapy. If she continued the treatment, Caitlin would have to be aborted. If Trish chose to have Caitlin and stop the chemotherapy, she was told she would probably die.
“It must be every mother's nightmare to make that choice,”says Trish,37,“but there was no contest. I desperately wanted this child to live, even if it meant sacrificing my own life. Isn't that every mother's instinct?”
Trish, a former chemist, was diagnosed non-Hodgkins lymphoma, a cancer of the lymph glands, in 1995 and by that time the disease had spread throughout her body.
After more than a year of chemotherapy, Trish was in partial remission but the treatment hadn't worked as well as doctors had hoped. She was given a break while experts decided what treatment to try next and she and Paul took a holiday in Turkey. While there, they spotted a pair of gold wedding rings and bought them on the spur of the moment.
“Marriage was something we'd always talked about,”says Trish.“we both knew we'd get married one day, but this was the first step to making it happen.”
However, when they arrived home their wedding plans had to be put on hold. Trish discovered another lump and doctors decided to try a more aggressive course of chemotherapy.
But before it began, Trish was desperate to find out whether she could have children or not. She went for tests but they showed the hormone levels in her blood were so low that it would be impossible to conceive.“Strangely enough, the news didn't bother me,”she says,“Even though the doctors told me I would never have children, I found it impossible to believe.”
Several weeks later, the chemotherapy started but after two weeks Trish felt strangely different. It was nothing specific but her body was telling her something had changed. On a whim, she decided to do a home pregnancy test.
“It was two months since I had been told I would never have children, but I just had a feeling,”says Trish.“Logic told me I couldn't be, but the test was positive. I was having a baby-our baby. It was the best news I had heard in years. All the pain disappeared and all I could think about was the new life which was growing inside me and my maternal instinct to protect it.”
“I didn't think about the cancer, the chemotherapy or anything else except our child. That was until the doctor issued me with an ultimatum.”Trish could continue with her cancer treatment but it would mean aborting her child. Or she could stop the treatment, carry on with the pregnancy and allow the cancer to spread.
“There was not a moment's hesitation for me,”says Trish.“I knew there was a risk but I put it out of my mind. Deep down, I know Paul was worried sick about me but he also knew how much I wanted this baby-we both did.”
“My decision was perhaps hardest for my mum and dad-I was their little girl and they were so afraid of losing me. I would have given up my life for my baby and I know they would have done just the same for me.”
Luckily, Trish sailed through her pregnancy with no complications.“I had more energy and vitality than I had had in years. If doctors could have prescribed a perfect medicine for my cancer, pregnancy would have been it. It was a 10-hour labour but I didn't take any gas or painkillers-I'd rather give birth to 10 babies in a row than go through one session of chemotherapy.”And On May 8,1998,Caitlin was born safe and well and Trish was still in partial remission. Five months later, though, Trish discovered another lump on her neck-he lymphoma was back.
“I was terrified,”she says.“It wasn't just me I was thinking about, it was Caitlin. I was so afraid that I wouldn't be around for her. How would she manage without a mum?”
Trish started another course of chemotherapy. With a baby to care for, it was gruelling but after only six weeks Trish was free of the cancer.
“I couldn't believe it,”she says.“After all those months of chemotherapy, I was amazed that this time it had worked so quickly. I felt so lucky. I'd been given a fresh chance at life.”
The cancer had been beaten, but Trish's battles were far from over.“The chemotherapy had left me with terrible joint problems,”she says.“I was crippled with pain and my body was still so tired from the chemotherapy. Looking after a baby was a constant struggle. I felt incredibly guilty, like I was letting Caitlin down. I wanted her so much but at times I couldn't even bath her, let alone play with her.”
There were times when Trish was so ill she couldn't even carry Caitlin downstairs.“I would lay her across my lap and come down the stair on my bum.”
But now, gradually, Trish's body is recovering. It is a long, slow process but she is regaining her strength and three months ago Trish and Paul got married-with Caitlin as chief bridesmaid.
“The wedding rings we bought five years at were badly tarnished,”says Trish,“but they polished up well and it's wonderful that we got to use them at last. I can't believe what we have come through but the important thing is we have come through.”“Four years ago, I didn't even know if I'd be alive today and I certainly never dreamed I'd have such a beautiful little girl, but I've realised just how precious life is. Caitlin is my gift from God and not a day goes by that I'm not grateful for the time I have with her.”
They say the likely treatment is radiation and chemotherapy.
Birds learn to fly by instinct.
He compounded with his creditors for a remission of what he owed.
Lucas Leiva believes next season will be his best yet following a gruelling push to gain weight.
Trish was desperate to find out whether she could have children or not.
find out:查明;发现;找出
I knew there was a risk but I put it out of my mind.
put out of:放出;消除