嘉丽·霍华德/Carrie Howard
When I was a little girl, my mother sat on the edge of my bed every night and sang me to sleep in her soft alto voice She sang lullabies and old folk songs, soothing melodies that eased me from wakefulness into slumber. Those peaceful few minutes at the end of the day are among my sweetest childhood memories.
I remember watching my mother and thinking how beautiful she was, with the light from the hall illuminating the curve of her cheek and glowing like a halo in her wavy hair. I wished the moment would never end, but no song lasts forever. I promised myself that when I had a daughter I would sing to her as long as she wanted.
I never forgot that promise. When my husband and I brought our long-awaited baby daughter, Tessa, home from China at the age of eleven months, I was ready. On our first night together at home, I held her across my lap in our big oak rocking chair and sang the familiar lullabies I had waited so long to sing:“Rock-a-Bye, Baby”“Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”and“Hush, Little Baby”I sang all seven verses of“Hush, Little Baby”which I had painstakingly memorized in preparation for the occasion.
When I had finished singing. Tessa wasn't quite asleep, but she looked drowsy. I rose and headed toward the crib to lay her down, but she immediately sat up and started to fuss. Okay, I thought, she needs a little more time, So I sat back down and sang the lullabies again, waiting for her eyes to close. They didn't. I sang my songs one more time, throwing in“The Alphabet Song”for good measure, until finally she seemed to be asleep. I laid her in the crib and turned to leave. Then I hit a squeaky floorboard. Tessa's little head popped up, and she began to wail.
When I had vowed that my child would get as many bedtime songs as she wanted, I hadn't counted on this particular child's determination. Perhaps, having waited so long for a family of her own.she didn't want to let me go that easily. And I couldn't bear to allow a child who had so recently left the orphanage to cry herself to sleep.
But I was quickly growing tired of the songs I had previously been so eager to sing. Tedium isn't necessarily a liability in a lullaby-it is possible to bore a child to sleep-but I found myself yearning for a little musical variety. I realized that it was going to take more than my tiny collection of lullabies to get my daughter to sleep.
In the months that followed, I tried out a variety of bedtime songs so that I could add the best ones to my repertoire. I evaluated each tune according to Tessa's personal rating system:She fussed and frowned when she didn't like a song, and commanded,“Again, Mama,”when she did like one.
Not every song I auditioned made our lullaby hit parade. I like Gershwin tunes, but Tessa is no jazz baby, so“Embraceable You”didn't make the final cut. On the other hand, I found that cowboy songs make surprisingly effective lullabies. The lyrics are a bit melancholy, but the rolling rhythms of“Red River Valley”“I Ride an Old Paint”and“Down in the Valley”are soothing, like riding a gentle old pony into the sunset. Likewise, the sentimental songs that were popular early in the last century-“Good Night, Ladies”“Let Me Call You Sweetheart”and“You Are My Sunshine”-are still lovely, even when they're sung by a solo alto instead of a barbershop quartet. And Tessa loved the folk songs my mother sang to me all those years ago, songs like“The Big Rock Candy Mountain.”“I've Been Working on the Railroad”and Tessa's favorite“The Riddle Song”which she immediately dubbed“The Cherry Song”:
I gave my love a cherry that had no stone
I gave my love a chicken that had no bone
I gave my love a story that had no end
I gave my love a baby with no crying
After eleven or twelve songs, Tessa would relax her hold on the day, her bright eyes would close, and I'd hear her breathing grow deep and regular. Carefully, I would lay her in her bed and creep from the room. We had triumphed over wakefulness for one more day.
This was our routine for many nights, until finally Tessa learned that when I left her in her bed, I wasn't leaving for long and that a cry of“Mama!”would always bring me back.
Tessa is six now, too big to hold across my lap, so I sing to her in bed. It no longer takes a dozen songs to get her to sleep;usually one is enough.
“What do you want me to sing tonight?”I ask, stroking her hair.
“The Cherry Song,”she always answers, with a sleepy smile. And I sing her that sweet song of unending love.
A cherry when it's blooming, it has no stone
A chicken when it's pipping, it has no bone
The story of“I love you,”it has no end
A baby when it's sleeping, there's no crying
After she falls asleep, I linger a while. I sit on the edge of her bed thinking how beautiful she is, with the light from the hall illuminating the curve of her cheek and shining like a moonbeam on her sleek black hair. I wish the moment would never end, but no childhood lasts forever. And so I try to make memories that will.
The searchlights glared, illuminating the prison yard.
painstakingly['peins, teiki?li]adv.费力地;苦心地
He was helped painstakingly into an armchair and he raised his hand in a familiar wave as the applause and whoops continued.
Stop all this fuss and get on with your work.
I founded an orphanage last year and feel obliged to take care of those children.
Tessa's little head popped up, and she began to wail.
begin to:开始
When they're sung by a solo alto instead of a barbershop quartet.
instead of:代替;而不是;不是……(而是);而没有;而不