婚姻的最佳境界 Making Marriage the Best It Can Be(1 / 1)


“There are two kinds of marriages,”says Richard Exley, evangelist and author.“Bad marriages and hard marriages.”

Think about it: Weddings take men and women from different backgrounds and sometimes opposite temperaments, with various and unrealistic expectations, and put them together. The result? Often conflict, anger, disappointment and pain. There’s no denying that marriage is hard or that any marriage can go bad. But bad marriages can be made better. It just takes a lot of work.

Marriage As We Knew It to Be

Raymond and I learned how hard marriage can be almost immediately—I started medical school just three months after our wedding. My class schedule, constant studying and clinical rotations limited our time together and strained our young marriage. The addition of our first child compounded the stress of residency. Then we assumed life would be easy if I practiced in a group with shared call.

However, two careers and two children—yes, we had another—were demanding. We were busy with church and short-term mission trips, and three of our parents died within 10 years. Life took a toll on us as individuals and as a couple;everything received more time and attention than our relationship.

We read several excellent books on marriage written by respected and knowledgeable Christian authorities. Each explained exactly what was wrong and how to fix it. But when we put the principles into practice, we’d get ahead only a little before we got stuck in the same old patterns. Every time we tried and failed made it harder to begin again.

We did not communicate well. Both Raymond and I believed the other didn’t hear or understand what we thought or felt. There was little overt conflict, yet little emotional intimacy. Issues went unresolved, as did our anger, which led to chronic resentment. Though we were both committed to our marriage, it lacked its original passion, and we longed to regain it.

But how?

Marriage As We Hoped It Could Be

We found an answer when we attended a Christian Medical & Dental Society conference. Drs. Alan and Claudia Nelson talked about the problems physicians’ marriages face and described Regeneration, the counseling retreat they conduct near Aspen, Colo. It sounded like what we needed, so we agreed to go. The first date that fit our schedule was eight months away. Even though I doubted those 10 days would change our relationship, I thought a vacation in Colorado could be fun and relaxing and maybe that would help.

The retreat included group sessions and counseling, both as individuals and as a couple. The other attendees were very congenial;we all were there for similar reasons, so no one hesitated to speak freely about his or her problems. Everyone was supportive and caring, and camaraderie developed quickly.

The Nelsons focused on the“three Cs”—communication, conflict resolution and commitment—and encouraged us to make marriage and family our first priorities instead of allowing our work to take over our schedules. Marriage needs both emotional and sexual intimacy, they explained, and partners cannot afford to neglect either one. Infidelity usually occurs because spouses look away from each other to have these needs met. Time for meaningful conversation and sexual relations will not happen regularly unless a couple plans for them. As Alan emphasized,“If you were having an affair, you would find ways to be together.”

Sharing spiritual values and praying together were emphasized. It draws couples closer together, they said. And we personally find it to be one of the biggest boons to strengthening our marriage.

During individual counseling sessions, Raymond and I reviewed the family dynamics in which we grew up—homes where the fathers were emotionally distant and unsupportive. Neither of us saw much emotional intimacy in our parents marriages. I found I wanted and expected Raymond to meet emotional needs my father failed to fulfill. My husband, in turn, struggled with conflicting emotions about his military service in Vietnam, particularly why he survived when so many, including a close friend, did not.

In joint sessions, we addressed issues that strained our relationship. We both avoided conflict by suppressing anger and withdrawing emotionally. Thus we grew distant and didn’t confront new issues as they arose. Some of them dated back several years but remained painful because we had never resolved them. Raymond admitted he still resented my frequent absences from home during residency, when he cared for our infant son alone. His lack of sensitivity and support when my mother was ill and confined to a nursing home continued to gall me after all this time. We began to recognize the layers of hurt and resentment that we needed to peel away before we could forgive each other and build a new relationship.

The retreat gave us time together with no distractions—our cabin didn’t even have a television! Yet without the trappings and concerns of daily life, we had plenty of time to talk, have fun and immediately put into practice what we learned. We simply enjoyed being together. It was like a honeymoon!

Committing to changing our behavior after we returned home, Raymond and I make note of the concepts that were presented and planned to review them regularly. We also identified key areas we needed to improve upon and developed a plan to accomplish these goals. Knowing we needed more time for the two of us, for example, we made a list of times during the week, such as Tuesday noontimes and Thursday evenings, that we could commit to spending together regularly.

Marriage As We Make It to Be

Yes, marriage is hard;sometimes we slip back into old patterns. When we do, we head back to the basics—communication, conflict resolution and commitment—and start again. Raymond and I talk, listen, forgive and pray more than ever.

We recently attended a weekend marriage seminar with our son and his fiancee. Their upcoming wedding is an extra incentive for us to keep our relationship—now in its 26th year and counting—tuned up. True, our marriage will never be perfect. But with God’s help, it will never be bad either. And neither should anyone else’s.























evangelist n.福音传道者;圣经新约福音书的作者

例 Restoration of the Evangelist to equip the saints to“preach”the gospel!


unrealistic adj.不切实际的;不实在的

例 Perhaps a holiday to Jamaica was an unrealistic expectation.


knowledgeable adj.聪明的;有知识的

例 If we want to be more knowledgeable we must remember the following advice.


sensitivity n.敏感;多愁善感

例 His remarks convicted him of a lack of sensitivity.








The Nelsons focused on the“three Cs”—communication.

focus on:关注


We began to recognize the layers of hurt……

begin to do:开始做某事
