振作起来,开始干吧 Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative(1 / 1)

D.迈克尔·雷诺/D.Michael Reynolds

While some people are born into loving and caring families, others are born into seemingly impossible environments, but no matter how hard a person's life, I believe there will always be at least one person who will positively influence and encourage them. For me, that person has been my grandmother.

There are many laws of life that I could write about because my grandmother (better known as "Mamma") literally and purposefully teaches these laws to me. However, she always ends with, "Son, I can tell you all I know and all I've experienced, but ultimately you are responsible for your choices." Ultimately, we all make our own choices in life—good or bad. Not making a choice is a choice in itself. The law of choice puts one in control, but it also places responsibility on the one making the choice.

I guess there must be a law that says you become like those you hang around because when I'm with my mamma, I can see how much we think alike (at least I'd like to think so). We were "visiting" one day when I was about fourteen years old. I had gotten into trouble for something at home (which I'm sure wasn't my fault), and Mamma listened to me talk and talk. After a while, she began to share with me, and I listened. Then to my surprise, I heard myself say something to her that she might have said to me. I said, "You know, Mamma, no matter how a child is disciplined, it will do no good unless the child receives the correction that is in the discipline." She was so pleased to hear the insight that after discussing the aspects of what I had discovered on my own. I allowed her to "brag" on me a while. I think she uses the law of "accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative" or as the Bible says in Numbers 14, "what you see is what you get." I hope that that's a true law because my mamma sure says wonderful things about me—to me.

When I'm feeling hopeless or feeling completely frustrated, I hear Mamma's words "Son, you're not whipped until you're whipped inside," and "nothing is hopeless—there's always an answer… If you look for it, you'll find it inside yourself." These laws simply say, "Get up and get going!"

Now, most of us teenagers prefer answers to life's problems in the form of a financially generous person. We don't always want to use our minds to solve our problems, but when we do, we find a very important and wonderful law that says, "Youth is for living and learning to make tomorrow's world a better place."






environment [in'vair?nm?nt] n.环境

She is not used to the new environment.


literally ['lit?r?li] adv.逐字地;按照字面上地;不夸张地

The prediction was literally accomplished.


ultimately ['?ltim?tli] adv.最后;最终

Ultimately, you and your career will pay the price.


accentuate [?k'sentjueit] v.以重音念;强调;重读;突出

The tight jumper only accentuated his fat stomach.





Son, I can tell you all I know and all I've experienced, but ultimately you are responsible for your choices.

be responsible for:负责;是……的原因;导致;对……负责

Son, you're not whipped until you're whipped inside.

not… until:直到……才;不到……不;在……之前