It's the classic story with a twist, a traveling salesman gets a flat tire on a dark, lonely road and then discovers he has no jack. He sees a light in a farmhouse. As he walks toward it, his mind churns:"Suppose no one comes to the door." "Suppose they don't have a jack." "Suppose the guy won't lend me his jack even if he has one." The harder his mind works, the more agitated he becomes, and when the door opens, he punches the farmer and said yells, "Keep your lousy jack!"
That story brings a smile, because it pokes fun at a common type of self-defeatist thinking. How often have you heard yourself say:"Nothing ever goes the way I planned." "I'll never make that deadline." "I always screw up."
Such inner speech shapes your life more than any other single force. Like it or not, you travel through life with your thoughts spell gloom and doom, that's where you're headed, because put-down words sabotage confidence instead of offering support and encouragement.
Simply put, to feel better, you need to think better. Here's how:
1. Tune into your thoughts. The first thing Sue said to her new therapist was, "I know you can't help me, Doctor. I'm a total mess. I keep lousing up at work, and I'm sure I'm going to be canned. Just yesterday my boss told me I was being transferred. He called it promotion. But if I was doing a good job, why transfer me?"
Then, gradually, Sue's story moved past the put-downs. She had received her M.B.A. two years before and was making an excellent salary. That didn't sound like failure.
At the end of their first meeting, Sue's therapist told her to jot down her thoughts, particularly at night if she was having trouble falling asleep. At her next appointment, Sue's list included:"I'm not really smart. I got ahead by a bunch of flukes." "Tomorrow will be a disaster." "I've never chaired a meeting before." "My boss looked furious this morning. What did I do?"
She admitted, "In one day alone, I listed 26 negative thoughts. No wonder I'm always tired and depressed."
Hearing her fears and forebodings read out loud made Sue realize how much energy she was squandering on imagined catastrophes. If you've been feeling down, it could be you're sending yourself negative message too. Listen to the words churning inside your head. Repeat them aloud or write them down, if that will help capture them.
2. Isolate destructive words and phrases. Fran's inner voice kept telling her she was "only a secretary". Mark's reminded him he was "just a salesman". With the word "only", or "just", they were downgrading their jobs and, by extension, themselves.
By isolating negative words and phrases, you can pinpoint the damage you're doing to yourself. For Fran and Mark, the culprits were only and just. Once those words are eliminated, there's nothing destructive about saying" I am a salesman" or" I am a secretary". Both statements open doors to positive follow ups, such as, "I'm on my way up the ladder."
3. Stop the thought. Short-circuit negative messages as soon as they start by using the one-word command stop! "What will I do if..." stop!
In theory, stopping is a simple technique. In practice, it's not as easy as it sounds. To be effective at stopping, you have to be forceful and tenacious. Raise your voice when you give the command. Picture yourself drowning out the inner voice of fear.
4. Accentuate the positive. There's a story about a man who went to a psychiatrist, "What's the trouble?" asked the doctor. "Two months ago my grandfather died and left me $75,000 last month, a cousin passed away and left me $100,000."
"Then why are you depressed?"
"This month, nothing!"
When a person is in a depressed mood, everything can seem depressing. So once you've exorcised the demons by calling a stop, replace them with good thoughts.
5. Reorient yourself. Have you ever been feeling down late in the day, when someone suddenly said, "Let's go out." Remember how your spirits picked up? You changed the direction of your thinking, and your mood brightened.
You need a jack to lift the car before repairing it.
Facing such furious competitions, they can't win at all.
The police are now on the scent of the culprit.
He hold on to my arm with a tenacious grip.
I always screw up.
screw up:挤成一团;弄糟;搞乱;弄乱
I got ahead by a bunch of flukes.
a bunch of:一堆;一束;一群