恒心与毅力 Perseverance and Inexhaustible Patience(1 / 1)

塞缪尔·斯迈尔斯/Samuel Smiles

Bernard Palissy is supposed to have been born in the south of France, in the diocese of Agen, about the year 1510. His father was probably a worker in glass, to which trade Bernard was brought up. His parents were poor people—too poor to give him the benefit of any school education. "I had no other books," said he afterwards, "than heaven and earth, which are open to all." He learnt, however, the art of glass-painting, to which he added that of drawing, and afterwards reading and writing.

When about eighteen years old, the glass trade becoming decayed, Palissy left his father's house, and went out into the world to search whether there was any place in it for him. He first traveled towards Gascony, and then he traveled northwards, sojourning for various periods at different places in France.

Thus Palissy occupied about ten more years of his life, after which he married, and ceased from his wanderings. There children were born to him; and not only his responsibilities but his expenses increased, while, do what he could, his earnings remained too small for his needs. He was induced to turn his attention to the kindred art of painting and enameling earthenware. Yet on this subject he was wholly ignorant; for he had never seen earth baked before he began his operations. He had therefore everything to learn by himself, without any helper. But he was full of hope, eager to learn, of unbounded perseverance and inexhaustible patience.

It was the sight of an elegant cup of Italian manufacture—which first set Palissy thinking about the new art. The sight of this cup disturbed his whole existence; and the determination to discover the enamel with which it was glazed thenceforward possessed him like a passion. Had he been a single man he might have traveled into Italy in search of the secret; but he was bound to his wife and his children, and could not leave them; so he remained by their side groping in the dark in the hope of finding out the process of making and enameling earthenware.

At first he could merely guess the materials of which the enamel was composed; and he proceeded to try all manner of experiments to ascertain what they really were. He pounded all the substances which he supposed were likely to produce it. Then he bought common earthen pots, broke them into pieces, and, spreading his compounds over them, subjected them to the heat of a furnace which he erected for the purpose of baking them. His experiments failed; and the results were broken pots and a waste of fuel, drugs, time, and labor.

The first furnace having proved a failure, he proceeded to erect another out of does. There he burnt more wood, spoiled more drugs and pots, and lost more time, until poverty stared him and his family in the face. After the operation he went to see the pieces taken out; and, to his dismay, the whole of the experiments were failures. But though disappointed, he was not yet defeated; for he determined on the very spot to "begin afresh."

For two more years he went on experimenting without any satisfactory result, he was reduced to poverty again. But he resolved to make a last great effort.

He proceeded to build the furnace with his own hands, carrying the bricks from the brick-field upon his back. He was bricklayer, laborer, and all. At last the furnace was built and ready for use. He had been for some time accumulating a great store of fuel for the final effort: and he thought it was enough. At last the operation proceeded.

All day he sat by the furnace, feeding it with fuel. He sat there watching and feeding all through the long night. But the enamel did not meet. A third day and night passed—a fourth, a fifth, and even a sixth,—yes, for six long days and nights did the unconquerable Palsy watch and toil, fighting against hope; and still the enamel would not melt.

So he set to work to pound and compound fresh materials for a new experiment. But how to buy more pots? His money was now all spent; but he could borrow. His character was still good, though his wife and the neighbors thought him foolishly wasting his means in futile experiments. Nevertheless he succeeded. He borrowed sufficient from a friend to enable him to buy more fuel and more pots, and he was again ready for a further experiment.

It was the last and most desperate experiment of the whole. The fire blazed up; the heat became intense; but still the enamel did not melt. The fuel began to run short!

Wife and children then rushed from the house, and went frantically through the town, calling out that poor Palissy had gone mad, and was breaking up his very furniture for firewood!

He proceeded from one step of improvement to another; always aiming at the greatest perfection possible. His ornamental pieces are now regarded as rare gems in the cabinets of virtuosi.














A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is old until regrets take the place of dreams.





He sojourned with a friend in Wales for two weeks.



You need perseverance to win in politics and I doubt if he can go the distance.



The state of that country is desperate.



Ornamental copper pans hung on the wall.








His father was probably a worker in glass, to which trade Bernard was brought up.

bring up:教育;培养;抚养


At first he could merely guess the materials of which the enamel was composed; and he proceeded to try all manner of experiments to ascertain what they really were.

proceed to:往下进行(另一件事)
