苏珊·尤尼/Susan Union
My girl is going to school.
However, I still could see how several weeks ago the scene was playing itself out as clearly as if it had been written in a movie script.“Five more minutes, honey, then we have to leave.”I called to my five-year-old daughter, who had been frolicking in the Pacific Ocean for the past hour. She was a proficient pool swimmer, but the deep blue sea was a different matter.
Maybe she didn’t hear me calling her name above the roar of the ocean;maybe she did hear and was just ignoring me-it was impossible to tell.
“Hey, time’s up, we have to go now.”She turned, gave me a“see ya, Mom”look and headed farther into the surf. I splashed out and grabbed her arm. My shorts were soaked.
“No!”she screamed,“I don’t want to leave!”She jerked her arm away from me and pushed her little body away.
Now she was in over her head. Overcome with fear and rage I grabbed her, firmly this time, and began to drag her out. She screamed and thrashed about like a wild animal caught in a trap, growling and scratching. The gritty sand clung to our wet skin.
By now I was shaking. I could hardly believe what happened next. I smacked her on the bottom hard. It stunned her enough to make her freeze and stop her hysterical ravings. She stood there almost completely covered in sand and with her mouth wide open, unable to take a breath.
“Come on!”I said through clenched teeth as I pulled her along toward the path that would lead us away from the beach. She hopped alongside of me, seething and jibbering. I realized she was trying to tell me something. Her unintelligible words alternated with jagged sobs as she shifted her weight from one foot to another. Her feet!Now that we were out of the surf, the sand was scalding hot. I had been clutching her thongs all along.“I’m so sorry, sweetie. Put these on.”I slipped her thongs on her trembling feet.
That was weeks ago. Now it was September, and I was back on the beach, alone. As I walked the beach, tears welled up in my eyes. I could see the image of my daughter earlier that morning, heading into her freshly painted kindergarten classroom for her first day of school. Her new day pack was slung proudly over her shoulder. The design of yellow and purple puppies and kittens verified her tender years.
I’d driven straight to the beach after dropping her off. There was something so reassuring in the never-ending cresting and breaking of the waves. I hoped the pounding surf would soothe my anxious thoughts.
I had dreamed of this day for years-five to be exact. I dreamed of this day when she was only a year old and she spent her days lurching through the house unsteadily, learning to walk. I was so concerned that she might maim herself. I followed her around, hovering with arms outstretched like a giant bear.
When she was two, I needed a break from full-time mommyhood badly. I had left her with my parents. Since the job required me on frequent business tours, whenever I heard her tiny little voice over the long-distance phone lines, my voice cracked so badly that I could hardly answer her back.
And this past summer, our days on end of being constantly together caused her to demand my unfailing attention. As the summer’s heat grew more oppressive, I got listless but she became more spirited. Every day I heard,“Mom, let’s go to the park, let’s go to the beach, let’s go to the Wild Animal Park, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!”
Why the tears then?I stopped walking and sat on a rough rock, on a lovely beach on a glorious day feeling miserable. I should be happy, I thought. No more incessant chatter bombarding me twelve hours a day. Now I could think free, uncluttered thoughts in a stream of connected ideas. I would be free to go back to school or start the business I’d been thinking about. I could go shopping by myself. I could roll up the windows in my car, pick a CD and sing at the top of my lungs.
The truth is, I’d miss having her by my side. I’d become used to having a constant companion for the past five years.“Don’t worry, Mom, we’ll still have our afternoons together.”she had reassured me at the breakfast table that morning.
With that thought in mind, I collected my things off the beach and headed for my car. It was time to go pick up my baby-from her first day of school. Oh, my angel, I was looking forward to spending the wonderful afternoon together.
例 He has enough courage to overcome the difficulty.他有足够的勇气来克服这个困难。
例 He has a miserable childhood.
例 In this story, change is constant.在这个故事中,变化是不断的。
例 Are you with a companion?
I would be free to go back to school or start the business I’d been thinking ahout.
think about:考虑……;回想起
I was looking forward to spending the wonderful afternoon together.
look forward to:期望;盼望;预料