§They said it couldn‘t be done. It couldn’t.(1 / 1)

We tried. Lord knows we tried. But no amount of pivoting or faking could squeeze the Philadelphia 76ers Wilt Chamberlain into the front seat of a Volkswagen.

So if you‘re 7’1 tall like Wilt, our car is not for you.

But maybe you‘re a mere 6’7.

In that case, you‘d be small enough to appreciate what a big thing we’ve made of the Volkswagen.

There‘s more headroom than you’d expect. (Over 37 1/2 from seat to roof.)

And there‘s more legroom in front than you’d get in a limousine. Because the engine‘s tucked over the rear wheels where it’s out of the way land where it can give the most traction.

You can put 2 medium-sized suitcases up front (where the engine isnt), and 3 fair-sized kids in the back seat. And you can sleep an enormous infant in back of the back seat.

Actually, there‘s only one part of a VW that you can’t put much into.

The gas tank.

But you can get about 29 miles per gallon out of it.