The Australian National Research Expedition really had no choice.
They wanted a car that “any member of the party could hop into and drive off without a moments hesitation.”
And the Volkswagen just happens to fill the bill.
The big trick is the VWs air-cooled rear engine. It has no radiator. It uses no water or antifreeze. It just goes.
(Antarctica #1 stood for days in 50 degree below zero weather and started without a tremble.)
The rear engine gave the VW so much extra traction it climbed “straight up and down the slopes.” (But they cheated a little; sometimes they put chains on the back wheels.)
Another reason the VW went where even the dogs wouldn‘t is the sealed bottom. It took an awful beating, but that’s what its there for; To protect the works inside against the weather outside.
The conditions got so fierce that one man said, “Now we know what itll be like when Hell freezes over.”
So if it ever does, you know what car to buy.