Whats the most popular car among diplomats in Washington,D.C.?
Put that question to a diplomat and you get a very diplomatic answer.
In other words, they dont tell.
So we did some snooping around on our own and contrary to public opinion, the car most diplomats buy is neither very big nor very fancy nor very impressive.
Hint: It can be bought and serviced in 140 countries throughout the world.
Hint: It costs $1749* in the U.S.A.
Hint: It has tremendous resale value.
Final hint: It gets around 27 miles to the gallon and uses no antifreeze whatsoever.
At last count, there were over 1200 diplomats and embassy staff members driving this little car throughout Washington.
So that story about big important people driving only big, important-looking cars may not be altogether true.
On the other hand, if big important people would rather have you believe they drive only big, important-looking cars, thats all right with us.
We wont let the bug out of the bag.