§The experimental X-93 Volkswagen.(1 / 1)

You may think that when you‘ve seen on Volkswagen, you’ve seen them all.

But this one is different.

It has some features that may not show up on production models for a year or two.

Or ever, if and when Volkswagen adds them, it will be only because they work perfectly, not because Volkswagen has to meet a deadline.

For example: Volkswagen developed and added a damper that look the last bit of vibration out of the steering wheel on rough roads.

Often, on refinement lead to another. Volkswagen tested a new carburetor in North Sweden in 1959 and added a de-icer to go with it. They are both on the current VW.

These are not extra-cost option. They are part of the car and so included in the price:$1684.58.

What does the X-93 have?

Improvement that will make the VW even better.In performance.In reliability.In comfort. And by the time they‘re on the car, there won’t be a bug in them.