§The inside is finished like the outside.(1 / 1)

This is our idea of a grand opening.

We took a Volkswagen apart so that you can see for yourself what the inside looks like.

You wont find one dribble on the paint or one nick on the chrome. Not one wrinkle, not one missed stitch.

Volkswagens got a bevy of seamstresses to make sure nothing zags when it should zig.

Maybe you think quality isnt something you can quite put your finger on. But just run that finger underneath the dashboard. Smooth?

Along the headliner. Smooth?

Under the door. Smooth?


It‘s one of the old VW family’s recipes: a lot of patience and a lot of paint.

A customer once asked, “4 coats of paint? Isnt that putting it on a bit thick?”

We said, “No.”

We dont count on the paint to hold the VW together. But it keeps it from falling apart.