If youd like to get around the high cost of living, we have a suggestion:
Cut down on the high cost of getting around.
And buy a Volkswagen. Its only $1799*.
That‘s around $1200 less than the average amount paid for a new car today. (Leave it in the bank. More’s coming.)
A VW saves you hundreds of dollars on upkeep over the years.
It takes pints, not quarts, of oil.
Not one iota of antifreeze.
And it gets about 27 miles to the gallon. The average car (thirsty devil that it is) only gets 14.
So the more you drive, the more you save.
And chances are, youll drive it for years and years. (Since we never change the style, a VW never goes out of style.)
Of course, a VWs not much to look at. So a lot of people buy a big flashy car just to save face.
Try putting that in the bank.
此标题与俚语Live beyond your means(入不敷出)相对照。