§Do you earn too much to afford one?(1 / 1)

For many people the Volkswagen would be an ideal car. Except for one thing.

It doesnt cost enough.

They‘re afraid nobody will know that they have any money, if it doesn’t show in their car. In other words, they buy their car for other people. Not themselves.

Then there are those who earn enough to buy a much better car than the VW. But they don‘t. Because they can’t find one.

For them the best car is one that simply gets them there. Comfortably and economically. One they don‘t have to worry about. That doesn’t make many stops for gas. And rare repairs dont cost much.

They feel they can afford to save money with a Volkswagen.

Now next time you see somebody driving a VW dont feel sorry for him.

Who knows? Some day the bank might be using his money to give you a new car loan.