在对动物和……Taylor, Shelley E., Laura Cousino Klein, Brian P. Lewis, Tara L. Gruenewald, Regan A.R. Gurung, and John A. Updegraff.“ Biobehavioral Responses to Stress in Females: Tend-and-Befriend, Not Fight-or-Flight.” Psychological Review 107, no. 3 (2000): 411–29. Taylor, Shelley E., and Sarah L. Master.“ Social Responses to Stress: The Tend-and-Befriend Model.” In The Handbook of Stress Science: Biology, Psychology, and Health,edited by Richard Contrada and Andrew Baum, 101–9. New York: Spinger, 2011.
它也释放……Geary, David C., and Mark V. Flinn. “Sex Differences in Behavioral and Hormonal Response to Social Threat: Commentary on Taylor et al. (2000).” Psychological Review 104,no. 4 (2002): 745–50. Buchanan, Tony W., and Stephanie D. Preston. “Stress Leads to Prosocial Action in Immediate Need Situations.” Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 8, no. 5 (2014): 1–6. Koranyi, Nicolas, and Klaus Rothermund.“Automatic Coping Mechanisms in Committed Relationships: Increased Interpersonal Trust as a Response to Stress.” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48, no. 1 (2012): 180–85.
但这只是……一部分……Keltner, Dacher, Aleksandr Kogan, Paul K. Piff, and Sarina R. Saturn. “The Sociocultural Appraisals, Values, and Emotions (S**E) Framework of Prosociality: Core Processes from Gene to Meme.” Annual Review of Psychology 65 (2014): 425–60.
加州大学洛杉矶分校神经科学家的一个研究……Inagaki, Tristen K., and Naomi I. Eisenberger. “Neural Correlates of Giving Support to a Loved One.” Psychosomatic Medicine 74, no. 1 (2012): 3–7.
时间匮乏不仅仅是……Strazdins, Lyndall, Amy L. Griffin, Dorothy H. Broom, Cathy Banwell, Rosemary Korda, Jane Dixon, Francesco Paolucci, and John Glover. “Time Scarcity: Another Health Inequality?” Environment and Planning, Part A 43, no. 3 (2011): 545–59.
沃顿商学院的研究人员……Mogilner, Cassie, Zo? Chance, and Michael I. Norton.“Giving Time Gives You Time.” Psychological Science 23, no. 10 (2012): 1233–38.
比如说,人们错误地预期……Aknin, Lara B., Elizabeth W. Dunn, and Michael I. Norton. “Happiness Runs in a Circular Motion: Evidence for a Positive Feedback Loop Between Prosocial Spending and Happiness.” Journal of Happiness Studies 13, no. 2 (2012): 347–55.
大脑变化更活跃……Harbaugh, William T., Ulrich Mayr, and Daniel R. Burghart. “Neural Responses to Taxation and Voluntary Giving Reveal Motives for Charitable Donations.” Science 316, no. 5831 (2007): 1622–25.
詹妮弗·克罗克休公假……Personal interview conducted with Jennifer Crocker on April 29, 2014.
该活动聚焦在……I have not taken the Learning as Leadership workshop that inspired Jennifer Crocker’s research, but you can learn more about their programs at www .learnaslead.com.
它与你如何看待……Nuer, Lara. “Learning as Leadership: A Methodology for Organizational Change Through Personal Mastery.” Performance Improvement 38, no. 10 (1999): 9–13.
克罗克和同事……Crocker, Jennifer, Marc-Andre Olivier, and Noah Nuer. “Self-Image Goals and Compassionate Goals: Costs and Benefits.” Self and Identity 8, no. 2–3 (2009): 251–69. Crocker, Jennifer. “The Paradoxical Consequences of Interpersonal Goals: Relationships, Distress, and the Self.” Psychological Studies 56, no. 1 (2011): 142–50. Crocker, Jennifer, Amy Canevello, and M. Liu. “Five Consequences of Self-Image and Compassionate Goals.” Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 45 (2012): 229–77.
在一个研究中,克罗克与……Abelson, James L., Thane M. Erickson, Stefanie E. Mayer, Jennifer Crocker, Hedieh Briggs, Nestor L. Lopez-Duran, and Israel Liberzon. “Brief Cognitive Intervention Can Modulate Neuroendocrine Stress Responses to the Trier Social Stress Test: Buffering Effects of a Compassionate Goal Orientation.” Psychoneuroendocrinology 44 (2014): 60–70.
戴维·耶格尔——我们在第1章……Yeager, David S., Marlone Henderson, David Paunesku, Gregory M. Walton, Sidney D’Mello, Brian J. Spitzer, and Angela Lee Duckworth.“Boring but Important: A Self-Transcendent Purpose for Learning Fosters Academic Self-Regulation.” Regulation (2014, in press).
同时也刺激了……Jack, Anthony I., Richard E. Boyatzis, Masud S. Khawaja, Angela M. Passarelli, and Regina L. Leckie. “Visioning in the Brain: An fMRI Study of Inspirational Coaching and Mentoring.” Social Neuroscience 8, no.4 (2013): 369–84.
莫妮卡·沃林……创始人……Personal interview conducted with Monica Worline on August 5, 2014.
2013年……研究人员……Hernandez, Morela, Megan F. Hess, and Jared D. Harris.“Leaning into the Wind: Hardship, Stakeholder Relationships, and Organizational Resilience.”In Academy of Management Proceedings, vol.2013, no. 1, 16640. Academy of Management, 2013.
他们花更多时间……Frazier, Patricia, Christiaan Greer, Susanne Gabrielsen, Howard Tennen, Crystal Park, and Patricia Tomich. “The Relation Between Trauma Exposure and Prosocial Behavior.” Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 5, no. 3 (2013): 286–94.
作为学者,他本想……Staub, Ervin, and Johanna Vollhardt. “Altruism Born of Suffering: The Roots of Caring and Helping After Victimization and Other Trauma.” American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 78, no. 3 (2008): 267–80.
从更大范围来讲,斯托布发现……Vollhardt, Johanna R., and Ervin Staub. “Inclusive Altruism Born of Suffering: The Relationship Between Adversity and Prosocial Attitudes and Behavior Toward Disadvantaged Outgroups.”American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 81, no. 3(2011): 307–15.
换句话说,就是你认为……Taylor, Peter James, Patricia Gooding, Alex M. Wood, and Nicholas Tarrier. “The Role of Defeat and Entrapment in Depression, Anxiety, and Suicide.”Psychological Bulletin 137, no. 3 (2011): 391–420.
提供食物的一位妇女……Steffen, Seana Lowe, and Alice Fothergill. “9/11 Volunteerism:A Pathway to Personal Healing and Community Engagement.” Social Science Journal 46, no. 1(2009): 29–46.
自然灾害后的志愿者……Cristea, Ioana A., Emanuele Legge, Marta Prosperi, Mario Guazzelli, Daniel David, and Claudio Gentili.“Moderating Effects of Empathic Concern and Personal Distress on the Emotional Reactions of Disaster Volunteers.” Disasters 38, no. 4 (2014): 740–52.
配偶去世后……Brown, Stephanie L.,R. Michael Brown, James S. House, and Dylan M. Smith. “Coping with Spousal Loss: Potential Buffering Effects of Self-Reported Helping Behavior.” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 34, no. 6 (2008): 849–61.
自然灾害的幸存者……Doran, Jennifer M., Ani Kalayjian, Loren Toussaint, and Diana Maria Mendez. “Posttraumatic Stress and Meaning Making in Mexico City.” Psychology and Developing Societies 26, no. 1 (2014): 91–114.
长期患病的人……Arnstein, Paul, Michelle Vidal, Carol Wells-Federman, Betty Morgan, and Margaret Caudill. “From Chronic Pain Patient to Peer: Benefits and Risks of Volunteering.” Pain Management Nursing 3, no. 3 (2002): 94–103.
恐怖袭击的受害者……Kleinman, Stuart B. “A Terrorist Hijacking: Victims’ Experiences Initially and 9 Years Later.” Journal of Traumatic Stress 2, no. 1 (1989): 49–58.
经历了致命疾病……Sullivan, Gwynn B.,and Martin J. Sullivan. “Promoting Wellness in Cardiac Rehabilitation: Exploring the Role of Altruism.” Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 11, no. 3 (1997): 43–52.
在一项开创性的研究中……Poulin, Mi-chael J., and E. Alison Holman. “Helping Hands, Healthy Body? Oxytocin Receptor Gene and Prosocial Behavior Interact to Buffer the Association Between Stress and Physical Health.” Hormones and Behavior 63, no. 3 (2013): 510–17.
研究人员跟踪了……846名男女……Poulin, Michael J., Stephanie L. Brown, Amanda J. Dillard, and Dylan M. Smith. “Giving to Others and the Association Between Stress and Mortality.” American Journal of Public Health 103, no.9 (2013): 1649–55.
布法罗大学的研究……Poulin, Michael J.,and E. Alison Holman. “Helping Hands, Healthy Body? Oxytocin Receptor Gene and Prosocial Behavior Interact to Buffer the Association between Stress and Physical Health.” Hormones and Behavior 63, no. 3 (2013): 510–17.
同样……年轻人……Quotes from EMS Corps trainees and Alameda County Health Care Services Agency director Alex Briscoe appear in these videos, produced by EMS Corps: Emergency Medical Services Corps (EMS Corps): “Providing an Opportunity for Young Men to Become Competent and Successful Health Care Providers” (http://www.rwjf.org/en/about-rwjf/newsroom/newsroom-content/2014/01/ems- corps-video.html) and “EMS Corps Students Reflect on Heart 2 Heart Door-to-Door Blood Pressure Screening Event (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= gSkwqLqP2tE).
在一项研究中……学生……Schreier, Hannah M.C., Kimberly A. Schonert-Reichl, and Edith Chen. “Effect of Volunteering on Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” JAMA Pediatrics 167, no. 4 (2013): 327–32.
参与该项目的老兵……Yount, Rick, Elspeth Cameron Ritchie, Matthew St. Laurent, Perry Chumley, and Meg Daley Olmert. “The Role of Service Dog Training in the Treatment of Combat-Related PTSD.” Psychiatric Annals 43, no.6 (2013): 292–95.
我握着他的手,为之祈祷……Direct quote from an inmate caregiver about his experience caring for a dying inmate. From Loeb, Susan J., Christopher S. Hollenbeak, Janice Penrod, Carol A. Smith, Erin Kitt-Lewis, and Sarah B. Crouse.“Care and Companionship in an Isolating Environment: Inmates Attending to Dying Peers.”Journal of Forensic Nursing 9, no. 1 (2013): 35–44. The quote is on page 39.
苏珊·勒布……Ibid. See also Wright, Kevin N., and Laura Bronstein. “An Organizational Analysis of Prison Hospice.” Prison Journal 87, no. 4 (2007): 391–407.
就像一个人在匿名调查里写的那样……Cloyes, Kristin G., Susan J. Rosenkranz, Dawn Wold, Patricia H. Berry, and Katherine P. Supiano. “To Be Truly Alive: Motivation Among Prison Inmate Hospice Volunteers and the Transformative Process of End-of-Life Peer Care Service.”American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (2013): 1–14.
读下面四句话……These items are from the isolation and common humanity subscales of Kristin Neff’s Self-Compassion Scale. Neff, Kristin D. “The Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Self-Compassion.” Self and Identity 2, no. 3 (2003): 223–50.
感觉孤独的人……Allen, Ashley Batts, and Mark R. Leary. “Self-Compassion, Stress, and Coping.” Social and Personality Psychology Compass 4, no. 2 (2010): 107–118. Neff, Kristin D. “The Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Self- Compassion.” Self and Identity 2, no. 3 (2003): 223–50.
他们更愿意公开……Gilbert, Paul, Kristen McEwan, Francisco Catarino, and Rita Bai?o.“Fears of Compassion in a Depressed Population Implication for Psychotherapy.” Journal of Depression and Anxiety S 2 (2014): doi: 10.4172/2167-1044.S2-003. Jazaieri, Hooria, Geshe Thupten Jinpa, Kelly McGonigal, Erika L. Rosenberg, Joel Finkelstein, Emiliana Simon-Thomas, Margaret Cullen, James R. Doty, James J. Gross, and Philippe R. Goldin. “Enhancing Compassion: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Compassion Cultivation Training Program.” Journal of Happiness Studies 14, no. 4(2013): 1113–26.
他们也善于……Barnard, Laura K., and John F. Curry. “The Relationship of Clergy Burnout to Self-Compassion and Other Personality Dimensions.” Pastoral Psychology 61, no.2 (2012): 149–63. Raab, Kelley. “Mindfulness, Self-Compassion, and Empathy Among Health Care Professionals: A Review of the Literature.”Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy 20, no. 3(2014): 95–108. Abaci, Ramazan, and Devrim Arda. “Relationship Between Self-Compassion and Job Satisfaction in White Collar Workers.”Procedia—Social and Behavioral Sciences 106(2013): 2241–47.
然而,尽管意识到……Jordan, Alexander H., Beno?t Monin, Carol S. Dweck, Benjamin J. Lovett, Oliver P. John, and James J. Gross. “Misery Has More Company Than People Think: Underestimating the Prevalence of Others’ Negative Emotions.” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 37, no. 1 (2011): 120–35.
我们经常通过别人……Orsillo, Susan M.,and Lizabeth Roemer. The Mindful Way through Anxiety: Break Free from Chronic Worry and Reclaim Your Life 161, Guilford Press, 2011.
因为别人的痛苦……McGonigal, Kelly.“The Mindful Way to Self-Compassion.” Shambala Sun (July 2011): 77.
虽然多数人意识到……Fay, Adam J., Alexander H. Jordan, and Joyce Ehrlinger. “How Social Norms Promote Misleading Social Feedback and Inaccurate Self-Assessment.” Social and Personality Psychology Compass 6, no. 2(2012): 206–16.
研究表明,花时间……Burke, Moira, Cameron Marlow, and Thomas Lento. “Social Network Activity and Social Well-Being.” In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1909–12. Association for Computing Machinery, 2010. Lou, Lai Lei, Zheng Yan, Amanda Nickerson, and Robert McMorris.“An Examination of the Reciprocal Relationship of Loneliness and Facebook Use Among First-Year College Students.” Journal of Educational Computing Research 46, no. 1 (2012): 105–117. Krasnova, Hanna, Helena Wenninger, Thomas Widjaja,and Peter Buxmann. “Envy on Facebook: A Hidden Threat to Users’ Life Satisfaction?” (2013).
探索了这个问题……For more information about my research with the Stanford Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (ccare.stanford.edu) on cultivating a mindset of common humanity, see Jazaieri, Hooria, Kelly Mc-Gonigal, Thupten Jinpa, James R. Doty, James J. Gross, and Philippe R. Goldin. “A Randomized Controlled Trial of Compassion Cultivation Training: Effects on Mindfulness, Affect, and Emotion Regulation.” Motivation and Emotion 38, no. 1(2014): 23–35. Jazaieri, Hooria, Geshe Thupten Jinpa, Kelly McGonigal, Erika L. Rosenberg, Joel Finkelstein, Emiliana Simon-Thomas, Margaret Cullen, James R. Doty, James J. Gross, and Philippe R. Goldin. “Enhancing Compassion: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Compassion Cultivation Training Program.” Journal of Happiness Studies 14,no. 4 (2013): 1113–26.
弗劳尔斯和费南迪斯……联合创办了晚餐聚会……Information about the Dinner Party can be found at http: //thedinnerparty.org/. Personal interview conducted with Lennon Flowers on August 18, 2014.
像联合创立晚餐聚会的弗劳尔斯……Garcia, Julie A., and Jennifer Crocker. “Reasons for Disclosing Depression Matter: The Consequences of Having Egosystem and Ecosystem Goals.” Social Science and Medicine 67, no.3 (2008): 453–62. Newheiser, Anna-Kaisa,and Manuela Barreto. “Hidden Costs of Hid-ing Stigma: Ironic Interpersonal Consequences of Concealing a Stigmatized Identity in Social Interactions.” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 52 (2014): 58–70.
“Sole Train”是一个跑步和辅导项目……More information about Sole Train can be found at http://www.trinityinspires. org/sole-train/. Personal interview conducted with Jessica Leffler on March 21, 2014.
一个学生让……Martha Ross, “Stress: It’s Contagious,” San Jose Mercury News, July 27, 2014, D1–D3.
同情心的反应……Buchanan, Tony W., Sara L. Bagley, R. Brent Stansfield, and Stephanie D. Preston. “The Empathic, Physiological Resonance of Stress.” Social Neuroscience 7, no.2 (2012): 191–201.
06 幸福成长:痛苦使你坚强,即使痛苦正当下,未来尚模糊
比如说,当被问及……Aldwin, Carolyn M., Karen J. Sutton, and Margie Lachman. “The Development of Coping Resources in Adulthood.” Journal of Personality 64, no. 4 (1996): 837–71.
他声称,痛苦……Seery, Mark D., E. Alison Holman, and Roxane Cohen Silver. “Whatever Does Not Kill Us: Cumulative Lifetime Adversity, Vulnerability, and Resilience.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 99, no. 6(2010): 1025–41. Seery, Mark D. “Resilience a Silver Lining to Experiencing Adverse Life Events?” Current Directions in Psychological Science 20, no. 6 (2011): 390–94. Seery, Mark D., Raphael J. Leo, Shannon P. Lupien, Cheryl L. Kondrak, and Jessica L. Almonte. “An Upside to Adversity? Moderate Cumulative Lifetime Adversity Is Associated with Resilient Responses in the Face of Controlled Stressors.” Psychological Science 24, no. 7 (2013): 1181–89. All quotes,along with some study details and interpretation,come from a personal conversation with Mark Seery on July 9, 2014.
在长期背痛的成年人中……Seery, Mark D., Raphael J. Leo, E. Alison Holman, and Roxane Cohen Silver. “Lifetime Exposure to Adversity Predicts Functional Impairment and Healthcare Utilization Among Individuals with Chronic Back Pain.” Pain 150, no. 3 (2010): 507–15.
经历过……警员……Burke, Karena J., and Jane Shakespeare-Finch. “Markers of Resilience in New Police Officers Appraisal of Potentially Traumatizing Events.” Traumatology 17, no. 4(2011): 52–60.
13名学生……For more information about ScholarMatch, visit scholarmatch.org.
因为这个,他们的成绩提高了……Yeager, David Scott, Valerie Purdie-Vaughns, Julio Garcia, Nancy Apfel, Patti Brzustoski, Allison Master, William T. Hessert, Matthew E. Williams, and Geoffrey L. Cohen. “Breaking the Cycle of Mistrust: Wise Interventions to Provide Critical Feedback Across The Racial Divide.”Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143, no. 2 (2014): 804–24.
一种被称为“转化—坚持”的应对措施……Chen, Edith, and Gregory E. Miller.“Shift-and-Persist Strategies: Why Low Socioeconomic Status Isn’t Always Bad for Health.”Perspectives on Psychological Science 7, no. 2(2012): 135–158.
心理学家……称为创伤后成长……Tedeschi, Richard G., and Lawrence G. Calhoun.“Posttraumatic Growth: Conceptual Foundations and Empirical Evidence.” Psychological Inquiry 15, no. 1 (2004): 1–18. Sample post-traumatic growth items from Tedeschi, Richard G., and Lawrence G. Calhoun. “The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory: Measuring the Positive Legacy of Trauma.” Journal of Traumatic Stress 9, no. 3 (1996): 455–71.
然而,它绝不罕见……Laufer, Avital, and Zahava Solomon. “Posttraumatic Symptoms and Posttraumatic Growth Among Israeli Youth Exposed to Terror Incidents.” Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 25, no. 4 (2006): 429–47. Siegel, Karolynn, and Eric W. Schrimshaw.“Perceiving Benefits in Adversity: Stress-Related Growth in Women Living with HIV/ AIDS.”Social Science and Medicine 51, no. 10 (2000): 1543–54. Shakespeare-Finch, Jane E., S.G. Smith, Kathryn M. Gow, Gary Embelton, and L. Baird. “The Prevalence of Post-Traumatic Growth in Emergency Ambulance Personnel.”Traumatology 9, no. 1 (2003): 58–71.
2013年一份……研究宣称……Cho, Dalnim, and Crystal L. Park. “Growth Following Trauma: Overview and Current Status.” Terapia Psicologica 31, no. 1 (2013): 69–79.
实际上……人们一般既……Baker, Jennifer M., Caroline Kelly, Lawrence G. Calhoun, Arnie Cann, and Richard G. Tedeschi. “An Examination of Posttraumatic Growth and Posttraumatic Depreciation: Two Exploratory Studies.”Journal of Loss and Trauma 13, no. 5 (2008): 450–65. Tsai, J., R. El-Gabalawy, W.H. Sledge, S.M. Southwick, and R.H. Pietrzak. “ Post-Traumatic Growth Among Veterans in the USA: Results from the National Health and Resilience in Veterans Study.” Psychological Medicine: 1–15.
2014年针对42份研究的分析……Shakespeare-Finch, Jane, and Janine Lurie-Beck. “A Meta-Analytic Clarification of the Relationship Between Posttraumatic Growth and Symptoms of Posttraumatic Distress Disorder.”Journal of Anxiety Disorders 28, no. 2 (2014): 223–29.
它驱动了……心理程序……Kehl, Doris, Daniela Knuth, Markéta Holubová, Lynn Hulse, and Silke Schmidt. “Relationships Between Firefighters’ Postevent Distress and Growth at Different Times After Distressing Incidents.” Traumatology 20, no. 4 (2014): 253–61. Lowe, Sarah R., Emily E. Manove, and Jean E. Rhodes. “Posttraumatic Stress and Posttraumatic Growth Among Low-Income Mothers Who Survived Hurricane Katrina.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 81, no. 5(2013): 877–89.
詹妮弗·怀特……的例子……Information about Jennifer White’s Hope After Project,including her personal story and how to get involved, is available at http://www.hopeafterproject.com. Personal interview conducted on December 12, 2014.
看到好处的人……Affleck, Glenn, Howard Tennen, Sydney Croog, and Sol Levine. “Causal Attribution, Perceived Benefits, and Morbidity After a Heart Attack: An 8-Year Study.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 55, no. 1(1987): 29–35.
HIV阳性妇女……Ickovics, Jeannette R., Stephanie Milan, Robert Boland, Ellie Schoenbaum, Paula Schuman, David Vlahov, and HIV Epidemiology Research Study (HERS) Group.“Psychological Resources Protect Health: 5-Year Survival and Immune Function Among HIV-Infected Women from Four U.S. Cities.” AIDS 20, no. 14 (2006): 1851–60.
那些……男女……Danoff-Burg, Sharon,and Tracey A. Revenson. “Benefit-Finding Among Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Positive Effects on Interpersonal Relationships.”Journal of Behavioral Medicine 28, no. 1 (2005): 91–103.
举例说,那些照料……Mavandadi, Shahrzad, Roseanne Dobkin, Eugenia Mamikonyan, Steven Sayers, Thomas Ten Have, and Daniel Weintraub. “Benefit Finding and Relationship Quality in Parkinson’s Disease: A Pilot Dyadic Analysis of Husbands and Wives.” Journal of Family Psychology 28, no. 5 (2014): 728–34.
患有糖尿病的十几岁孩子……Tran, Vincent, Deborah J. Wiebe, Katherine T. Fortenberry, Jorie M. Butler, and Cynthia A. Berg. “Benefit Finding, Affective Reactions to Diabetes Stress,and Diabetes Management Among Early Adolescents.” Health Psychology 30, no. 2 (2011): 212–19.
保护效果最强……Wood, Michael D., Thomas W. Britt, Jeffrey L. Thomas, Robert P. Klocko, and Paul D. Bliese. “Buffering Effects of Benefit Finding in a War Environment.” Military Psychology 23, no. 2 (2011): 202–19.
发现益处的人……Cassidy, Tony, Marian McLaughlin, and Melanie Giles. “Benefit Finding in Response to General Life Stress: Measurement and Correlates.” Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine 2, no. 1 (2014): 268–82.
他们更愿意……Pakenham, Kenneth I., Kate Sofronoff, and Christina Samios. “Finding Meaning in Parenting a Child with Asperger Syndrome: Correlates of Sense Making and Benefit Finding.” Research in Developmental Disabilities 25, no. 3 (2004): 245–64.
在实验室里……人……Bower, Julienne E., Carissa A. Low, Judith Tedlie Moskowitz, Saviz Sepah, and Elissa Epel. “Benefit Finding and Physical Health: Positive Psychological Changes and Enhanced Allostasis.” Social and Personality Psychology Compass 2, no.1 (2008): 223–44. Bower, Julienne E., Judith Tedlie Moskowitz, and Elissa Epel. “Is Benefit Finding Good for Your Health? Pathways Linking Positive Life Changes After Stress and Physical Health Outcomes.” Current Directions in Psychological Science 18, no. 6 (2009): 337–41.
比如……报告了……Butler, Lisa D. “Growing Pains: Commentary on the Field Of Posttraumatic Growth and Hobfoll and Colleagues’ Recent Contributions to It.” Applied Psychology 56, no.3 (2007): 367–78.
重疾的幸存者……Cheng, Cecilia, Waiman Wong, and Kenneth W. Tsang. “Perception of Benefits and Costs During SARS Outbreak: An 18-Month Prospective Study.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 74, no. 5 (2006): 870–79.
他们也不再……McCullough, Michael E., Lindsey M. Root, and Adam D. Cohen. “Writing About the Benefits of an Interpersonal Transgression Facilitates Forgiveness.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 74, no. 5(2006): 887–97.
令人惊叹的是,另一项研究发现……vanOyen Witvliet, Charlotte, Ross W. Knoll, Nova G. Hinman, and Paul A. DeYoung. “Compassion-Focused Reappraisal, Benefit-Focused Reappraisal, and Rumination After an Interpersonal Offense: Emotion- Regulation Implications for Subjective Emotion, Linguistic Responses, and Physiology.” Journal of Positive Psychology 5, no. 3 (2010): 226–42.
发现好处使……Rabe, Sirko, Tanja Z?llner, Andreas Maercker, and Anke Karl. “Neural Correlates of Posttraumatic Growth After Severe Motor Vehicle Accidents.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 74, no. 5 (2006): 880–86.
那些最焦虑的……Danoff-Burg, Sharon, John D. Agee, Norman R. Romanoff, Joel M. Kremer,and James M. Strosberg. “Benefit Finding and Expressive Writing in Adults with Lupus or Rheumatoid Arthritis.” Psychology and Health 21, no. 5 (2006): 651–65.
最能说明问题的是……妇女……Stanton, Annette L., Sharon Danoff-Burg, Lisa A. Sworowski, Charlotte A. Collins, Ann D. Branstetter, Alicia Rodriguez-Hanley, Sarah B. Kirk, and Jennifer L. Austenfeld. “Randomized, Controlled Trial of Written Emotional Expression and Benefit Finding in Breast Cancer Patients.” Journal of Clinical Oncology 20, no. 20 (2002): 4160–68.
另一项干预措施邀请那些……Cheng, Sheung-Tak, Rosanna W.L. Lau, Emily P.M. Mak, Natalie S.S. Ng, and Linda C.W. Lam.“Benefit-Finding Intervention for Alzheimer Caregivers: Conceptual Framework, Implementation Issues, and Preliminary Efficacy.” Gerontologist 54, no. 6 (2014): 1049–58.
威尔博格是这样开头的……Wiltenburg, Mary. “She Doesn’t Want to Share Her Grief with a Nation.” Christian Science Monitor. September 3, 2002. Wiltenburg, Mary. “9/11 Hijacking Victim’s Family Expanded, Even Without Him.”Christian Science Monitor. September 9, 2011. Personal interview conducted with Mary Wiltenburg on September 16, 2014.
一项令人吃惊的研究发现……Holman, E. Alison, Dana Rose Garfin, and Roxane Cohen Silver. “Media’s Role in Broadcasting Acute Stress Following the Boston Marathon Bombings.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111, no. 1 (2014): 93–98. Pfefferbaum, Betty, Elana Newman, Summer D. Nelson, Pascal Nitiéma, Rose L. Pfefferbaum, and Ambreen Rahman. “Disaster Media Coverage and Psychological Outcomes: Descriptive Findings in the Extant Research.” Current Psychiatry Reports 16, no. 9 (2014): 1–7.
2014年一项针对美国成年人……The GfK Group Project Report for the National Survey of Fears” (2014). Available at http://www.chapman.edu/wilkinson/research-centers/babbiecenter/ survey-american-fears.aspx.
这类发现驱动了“用画面与声音传递希望”……More information about IVOH can be found at http://ivoh.org/. Personal interview conducted with Mallory Jean Tenore on February 12, 2014.
替代成长……最为普遍……Arnold, Debora, Lawrence G. Calhoun, Richard Tedeschi, and Arnie Cann. “Vicarious Posttraumatic Growth in Psychotherapy.” Journal of Humanistic Psychology 45, no. 2 (2005): 239–63. Barrington, Allysa, and Jane E. Shakespeare-Finch.“Giving Voice to Service Providers Who Work with Survivors of Torture and Trauma.” Qualitative Health Research 24, no. 12 (2014).1686–99. Hernández, Pilar, David Gangsei, and David Engstrom. “Vicarious Resilience: A New Concept in Work With Those Who Survive Trauma.” Family Process 46, no. 2 (2007): 229–41. Acevedo, Victoria Eugenia, and Pilar Hernandez-Wolfe. “Vicarious Resilience: An Exploration of Teachers and Children’s Resilience in Highly Challenging Social Contexts.”Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma 23, no. 5 (2014): 473–93. Inocencio Soares, Nataly Tsumura, and Mauren Teresa Grubisich Mendes Tacla. “Experience of Nursing Staff Facing the Hospitalization of Burned Children.”Investigación y Educación en Enfermería 32, no. 1 (2014): 49–59.
参与者不仅仅报告了……Abel, Lisa, Casie Walker, Christina Samios, and Larissa Morozow.“Vicarious Posttraumatic Growth: Predictors of Growth and Relationships with Adjustment.”Traumatology 20, no. 1 (2014): 9–18.
学习和成长的过程……Tosone, Carol, Jennifer Bauwens, and Marc Glassman. “The Shared Traumatic and Professional Posttraumatic Growth Inventory.” Research on Social Work Practice (ahead of print, 2014). doi: 10.1177/1049731514549814.
我们往往……Therapist’s quote taken from Engstrom, David, Pilar Hernandez, and David Gangsei. “Vicarious Resilience: A Qualitative Investigation into Its Description.” Traumatology 14, no. 3 (2008): 13–21.
参与该项目6个月后……Shochet, Ian M., Jane Shakespeare- Finch, Cameron Craig, Colette Roos, Astrid Wurfl, Rebecca Hoge, Ross McD Young, and Paula Brough. “The Development and Implementation of the Promoting Resilient Officers(PRO) Program.” Traumatology 17, no. 4 (2011): 43–51. Shakespeare- Finch, Jane E., Ian M. Shochet, Colette R. Roos, Cameron Craig, Deanne Armstrong, Ross McD Young, and Astrid Wurfl.“Promoting Posttraumatic Growth in Police Recruits: Preliminary Results of a Randomised Controlled Resilience Intervention Trial.” In Australian and New Zealand Disaster and Emergency Management Conference, Association for Sustainability in Business, QT Gold Coast Hotel, Surfers Paradise(2014).
这些……结果……Hayes, Steven C., Jason B. Luoma, Frank W. Bond, Akihiko Masuda, and Jason Lillis. “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Model, Processes and Outcomes.” Behaviour Research and Therapy 44, no. 1 (2006): 1–25. See also Bond, Frank W., Steven C. Hayes, Ruth A. Baer, Kenneth M. Carpenter, Nigel Guenole, Holly K. Orcutt, Tom Waltz, and Robert D. Zettle. “Preliminary Psychometric Properties of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire—II: A Revised Measure of Psychological Inflexibility and Experiential Avoidance.” Behavior Therapy 42, no. 4 (2011): 676–88.