第12章 别让明天为今天后悔 (11)(1 / 1)

But I noticed it. That feeling of emptiness, into which I was pouring cocktails out of boredom, was filling up instead with a purpose: to live a full life with an awareness and an appreciation of other people. I do not pretend for a second that I have suddenly become a paragon. My faults are still legion and I know them.

But it seems to me better to have a little religion and practice it than think piously and do nothing about it. I feel better adjusted, more mature than I ever have in my life before. I have no fear. I say this not boastfully but in all humility. The actual application of Christian principles has changed my life.

大约15年前的一天,我在面对自己时,突然觉得自己的生活很空虚。也许这是朋友和同事所无法理解的。按照公认的标准来看,我是一位“成功者”。 我领导着一个生意不错的制造公司,是社交界及商界中的“活跃分子”。然而,对我而言,这些并没有太大的意义。我始终都在圈内转来转去。我努力工作,尽情享乐,但很快就发现自己饮酒过度。虽然我并不准备加入嗜酒者互诫协会,但说真的,我不得不承认自己喝了太多的酒。也许,这是因为我的生活实在太无聊了。








The Cobbler And the Banker

拉·封丹 / La Fontaine

A cobbler passed his time in singing from morning till night; it was wonderful to see, wonderful to hear him; he was more contented in making shoes than was any of the seven sages. His neighbor, on the contrary, who was rolling in wealth, sung but little, and sleepless. He was a banker; when by chance he fell into a doze at day-break, the cobbler1 awoke him with his song. The banker complained sadly that Providence had not made sleep a saleable2 commodity, like edibles or drinkables. Having at length sent for the songster, he said to him, "How much a year do you earn, Master Gregory?"

"How much a year, sir?" said the merry cobbler laughing, "I never reckon in that way, living as I do from one day to another; somehow I manage to reach the end of the year; each day brings its meal."

"Well then! How much a day do you earn, my friend?"

"Sometimes more, sometimes less; but the worst of it is, and, without that our earnings would be very tolerable, a number of days occur in the year on which we are forbidden to work; and the curate, moreover, is constantly adding some new saint to the list."

The banker, laughing at his simplicity, said, "In the future I shall place you above want. Take this hundred crowns, preserve them carefully, and make use of them in time of need."

The cobbler fancied3 he beheld all the wealth which the earth had produced in the past century for the use of mankind. Returning home, he buried his money and his happiness at the same time. No more singing; he lost his voice, the moment he acquired that which is the source of so much grief. Sleep quitted his dwelling; and cares, suspicions, and false alarms took its place. All day, his eye wandered in the direction of the treasure; and at night, if some stray cat made a noise, the cat was robbing4 him. At length the poor man ran to the house of his rich neighbor; "Give me back," said he, "sleep and my voice, and take your hundred crowns."








Relish the Moment

罗伯特·J. 黑斯廷斯 / Robert J. Hastings