第44章 一起走过的日子 (17)(1 / 1)

我在雨中等你 吴文智 2591 字 1个月前

Through Sunshine, I' ve learned to have more respect, respect for him, respect for all dogs, both the unfortunate discarded ones, and the loved ones. There' s a bond between Sunshine and me. We love each other. We give our love to others.






















威尔士史宾格犬【Welsh Springer Spaniel】


产 地:英国

概 述:威尔士史宾格犬大小适中,骨骼结构紧凑,整体给人以颀长的印象。它性格活跃,表现忠诚,举止充满感情。它聪明并适于训练,在任何场所和条件下都会服从命令,是理想的家庭用犬。

scrutinize [' skrutinaiz] v. 仔细检查;细察

The police scrutinize the crime scene.


commercial [k' m:l] n. 商业广告

Is commercial correspondence taught at the course?


slant [sl:nt] v. 倾斜

The sun slanted in and lay golden over half the platform.


snuggle ['sngl] v. 挨近;依偎

Now, snuggle right down and I'll tuck you up.





... Sunshine would curl up on the back of his chair, and nap.

curl up:(使)蜷曲;卷起;撅起(嘴唇等)

He knows how to give by walking away from his dog food in favor of another dog.

in favor of:赞成(支持;有利于;较大)



佚名 / Anonymous

I was late for the school bus and rushing to get ready. My dog, Tippy, ran past me. What' s your big hurry? I wondered, annoyed. It wasn' t like he was late for the school bus like I was. When he got to the front door, he lay down in front of it—his way of asking to be petted. I ignored his shameless begging for affection, hurdled over him and sprinted for the waiting yellow bus.

That afternoon, I jumped out of the bus and dashed up the driveway. That' s odd, I thought. Tippy was usually outside, barking an entire paragraph of "hellos" as soon as he saw me come home. When I burst through the door, the house was quiet and still. I dumped my coat and backpack on the floor. Mom silently appeared. She asked me to sit down at the kitchen table.

"Honey, I have some sad news that I need to tell you. This morning, while you were at school, Tippy was hit by a car and killed. He died instantly, so he didn' t suffer. I know how much he meant to you. I' m so sorry." said Mom.

"No!It' s not true!" I was in shock. I couldn' t believe her. "Tippy, come here!Come on, boy!" I called and called for him. I waited. He didn' t come. Feeling lost, I wandered into the living room. He wasn' t on the couch, so I had no pillow for my head while I watched cartoons. Mom called me for dinner and I rambled to my place. He wasn' t hiding under the table, so I had to eat all of my dinner. I went to sleep that night, but I didn' t cry. I still couldn' t believe that he was gone.

When I got off the bus the next day, the silence grew deafening. Finally, my sobs bubbled up and erupted like lava from a volcano. I felt like I was going to die from having my inside shaken apart, and I couldn' t stop crying or end the thought that kept going through my head. I should have trained him better. If I had been home, I could have called him away from the road. I didn' t even pet him when I left. How could I have known that was my last chance? I cried until I felt hollow inside.

My parents brought a new dog named Tinker Belle. I didn' t care. I was busy giving hate looks to people speeding in their cars. They shouldn' t drive so fast that they couldn' t stop when they see a dog in the road. My parents still got the silent treatment from me. Why hadn' t they made sure that Tippy was tied up? I was mad at Tippy for getting killed, and I was mad at the entire"dog kingdom" for not knowing enough to stay out of the road.