第41章 一起走过的日子 (14)(1 / 1)

我在雨中等你 吴文智 2357 字 1个月前

Some will protest that in a world with so much human suffering it is something between eccentric and obscene to mourn a dog. I think not. After all it is perfectly normal indeed deeply human to be moved when nature presents us with a vision of great beauty. Should we not be moved when it produces a vision—a creature—of the purest sweetness?













拉布拉多猎犬【Labrador Retriever】


产 地:加拿大

概 述:拉布拉多猎犬体格强健、服从指挥、容易训练;性情温顺、聪明伶俐、善解人意,对主人重视,很讨人喜欢,既是功能全面的猎犬,也是最受欢迎、最值得信赖的家庭犬。

unanimous [ju(:)' n鎛ims] adj. 全体一致的;一致同意的

The people are unanimous in their condemnation.


seminar [' semin:] n. (大学的)研究班;研讨会

World environment development series seminar and so on many

unitactivities are successful.


genuine [' denjuin] adj. 真正的;真实的;诚恳的

Her smile looked genuine.


mourn [m:n] v. 哀悼;忧伤;服丧

The son mourn for the dead mother.





She knew that would appeal to me because the Border collie is the smartest species on the planet.

appeal to:向……呼吁;向……请求;恳求

... I don' t make any great claims for Chester.

make... claim for:对(赔偿等)提出要求



佚名 / Anonymous

A freezing downpour washed che black asphalt street in front of the small town bar. I sat gazing into the watery darkness, alone as usual. Across the rain-drenched roadway was the town park:five acres of grass, giant elm trces and, tonight, an ankle-deep covering of cold water.

I had been in that battered old pub for half an hour, quietly nursing a drink, when my thoughtful stare finally focused on a medium-sized lump in a grassy puddle a hundred feet away. For another ten minutes, I looked out through the tear-streaked windowpane trying to decide if the lump was an animal or just a wet and inanimate something.

The night before, a German shepherd looking mongrel had come into the bar begging for potato chips. He was mangy and starving and just the size of the lump in question. Why would a dog lie in a cold puddle in the freezing rain? I asked myself. The answer was simple: either it wasn' t a dog, or if it was, he was too weak to get up.

The shrapnel wound in my right shoulder ached all the way down to my fingers. I didn' t want to go out in that storm. Hey, it wasn' t my dog, it wasn' t anybody' s dog. It was just a stray on a cold night in the rain, a lonely drifter. So was I, I thought, as I tossed down what was left of my drink and headed out the door.

He was lying in three inches of water. When I touched him, he didn' t move. I thought he was dead. I put my hands around his chest and hoisted him to his feet. He stood unsteadily in the puddle, his head hung like a weight at the end of his neck. Half his body was covered with mange. His floppy ears were just hairless pieces of flesh dotted with open sores.

"Come on." I said, hoping I wouldn' t have to carry his infected carcass to shelter. His tail wagged once and he plodded weakly after me. I led him to an alcove next to the bar, where he lay on the cold cement and closed his eyes.