第26章 思念里的流浪狗 (16)(1 / 1)

我在雨中等你 吴文智 2554 字 1个月前















产 地:德国

概 述:博美犬体型小、外形匀称,开朗活泼、精力充沛、聪明、刻苦耐劳、热心工作、忠实友善,具有明朗的个性、动人的外形,富有气质,是非常优秀的伴侣犬,同时也是很有竞争力的比赛犬。

abandon [' b鎛dn] v. 放弃;遗弃;沉溺

Abandon car or abandon hope!


imminent [' iminnt] adj. 逼近的;即将发生的

The plane was in imminent peril of being wrecked.


ordinance [' :dinns] n. 法令;条例

Everyone should obey the government ordinance.


tranquil [' tr鎘wil] adj. 安静的;宁静的

He looked at his son with a tranquil eye.





... even if the ship was as much as a half-mile away.

even if:即使;纵然;虽然

A small patch of land at the Gatineau wharfside was converted into what is now Patsy Ann Square.

convert into:把……转变成


Flight over Little Egypt

佚名 / Anonymous

March 18, 1925. Though only five years of age, I will remember the day the great tornado swept over "Little Egypt", as the southern tip of Illinois is called. The little coal-mining town in which we lived lay directly in its path. The howling wind sounded as if a dozen locomotives were roaring past. We huddled in the kitchen as the roaring filled our ears and seemed to shake our very bones.

Suddenly it was over. The quietness felt unnatural and an eerie, uneasy feeling gripped us. Opening the door, my mother stood transfixed as she gazed upon the awful scene. Debris lay everywhere. The street was impassable. People, some obviously in shock, milled around like cattle, unsure of what to do. The strange silence was suddenly broken by a subdued, pitiful whining at Mother' s feet.

Trembling violently, a wet and frightened little poodle lay wedged between the door and the screen.

"My stars," my mother said, bending over. "Wherever did you come from?"

The bedraggled little dog timidly wagged his tail and began licking Mother' s hand.

Jacky, as we named him, accepted our large family without reservation. We in turn lavished our love upon the displaced but lucky little poodle.

Almost immediately we realized Jacky was an exceptional dog—a very smart one. Surrounded by masses of curly hair, his dark inquisitive eyes sparkled with life.

The little dog had been a part of our family for about two years when a hobo knocked at the back door and asked if we could give him something to eat. The request wasn' t at all unusual. In those days, many hobos stopped at our corner. Mother brought a plate of food to the porch where he waited. As he sat down to eat, we boys gathered around him. He began telling us all the places he' d been and the many things he' d seen. We were spellbound by his tales.

All of a sudden he stopped. We looked in the direction he was staring, and there stood Jacky. For several moments they looked at one another. Then a huge smile came across the old hobo' s face.

"You little rascal, " he said, calling him by some strange-sounding name. "What are you doing here?"

The little dog became hysterical with joy. He was all over the hobo, barking and jumping as if he would never stop. There was no doubt he knew the hobo and knew him well. After caressing and talking to Jacky, the old hobo uttered a brief command. Immediately, Jacky controlled his enthusiasm and lay down obediently at the old man' s feet.

"Boys, where did you get this dog?" asked the hobo.

"We found him lodged between the door and the screen during the big tornado of 1925," said my brother.

"Yes, sir. It adds up," said the hobo,"I was with a circus in Missouri in March of 1925. That was sure some blow. The big tent was ripped to shreds. Everything was demolished."

"This poodle was the number-one top show dog. He' s so valuable he was insured for hundreds of dollars. Lucky dog, he is. Blowed all that distance and not getting hurt."

Suddenly the hobo asked, "Do you have a barrel hoop, boys?"