第19章 思念里的流浪狗 (9)(1 / 1)

我在雨中等你 吴文智 2706 字 1个月前

The contusion suffered during the fall caused Leana to immediately go into a grand mal seizure, and at that point Faith' s heroism kicked into overdrive. The dog retrieved the cordless phone with her mouth, and with her nose pushed the dog-friendly 911 speed-dial button she had been trained to identify. When the dispatcher, Jenny Buchanan, answered, Faith barked into the phone. She barked and barked. Most 911 operators are not trained to translate the woofing of dogs, but at the Benton County' s Southeast Communications Center, all calls must be acted on. Buchanan detected a pattern to the barks—they seemed to come after she spoke, as if the dog were somehow answering her. Deciding that this was not just background noise but a plea for help, Buchanan dispatched police. When the voice stopped coming out of the phone, Faith went back to Leana and did her seizure-response work, pushing her into the "recovery position" on her side, which cleared throat.

When the police officer, Corporal Scott Morrell, arrived, tripping the motion-detector light on the porch. Faith and Bronson watched from the window. Both had been trained to recognize the uniforms of police, firefighters and medical personnel not as intruders but as friends. With her nose, faith unlatched the special doggie lock on the door and let Morrell inside, barking as she ran to the kitchen, urging him to follow.

Leana was in the hospital for three weeks, accompanied by Faith for part of the time. But Leana never had a clear idea of her rescue. It wasn' t until she returned home and contacted Morrell and Buchanan that she was able to piece together the story of Faith' s amazing feat.

"It must be love and devotion," Leana says."After that night our relationship changed. I think Faith discovered her purpose. And I found out who she was: a true angel."







信念最终被训练成功,能够理解并回答150多种命令。但是直到2004年9月6日的那个晚上,莉娜才真正了解到信念能够做什么。当时,莉娜和她的儿子住在华盛顿州的里奇兰德。那是一个很普通的夜晚,迈克尔到当地的杂货店上晚班,莉娜在上床休息前,感到有些不舒服,像是感冒了。她看了看在起居室躺着的布朗森,然后回到自己的卧室。信念一直寸步不离地跟着她,并没有去躺在挨着床边的篮子里, 只是一直站着,看着莉娜……还说着话。听起来就像是人们在谈话,发出一种“噜噜噜噜”的声音。









transition [tr鎛zin] n. 过渡;转变;变迁;变革

He support a peaceful transition.


interpret [int:prit] v. 解释;说明;领会;演绎

He interpreted a passage in a book.


obedient [bi:djnt] adj. 顺从的;服从的

Are you absolutely obedient to the superior?


seizure [si:] n. 没收;发作;夺取

The courts ordered the seizure of his property.





... for nearly a decade she had come to depend on Bronson...

depend on:依赖;依靠;信赖

Deciding that this was not just background noise but a plea for help...

a plea for help:请求帮助


The Story of a Yellow Dog梂ully

欧内斯特·西顿·汤普森 / Ernest Seton Thompson

Away up in the Cheviots little Wully was born. He and one other of the litter were kept; his brother because he resembled the best dog in the vicinity, and himself because he was a little yellow beauty.

His early life was that of a sheep-dog, in company with an experienced collie who trained him, and an old shepherd who was scarcely inferior to them in intelligence. By the time he was two years old Wully was full grown and had taken a thorough course in sheep. He knew them from ram-horn to lamb-hoof, and old Robin, his master, at length had such confidence in his sagacity that he would frequently stay at the tavern all night while Wully guarded the woolly idiots in the hills. His education had been wisely bestowed and in most ways he was a very bright little dog with a future before him. Yet he never learned to despise that addle-pated Robin. The old shepherd, with all his faults, his continual striving after his ideal state—intoxication—and his mind-shrivelling life in general was rarely brutal to Wully, and Wully repaid him with an exaggerated worship that the greatest and wisest in the land would have aspired to in vain.