第14章 思念里的流浪狗 (4)(1 / 1)

我在雨中等你 吴文智 2793 字 1个月前






产 地:德国

概 述:猴面犬是一种中等体型的犬种,拥有猴一样的面庞,全身覆盖着长毛,身体强健,短耳短尾。它天生认真、勇敢、机警、聪明,喜欢与人玩耍,对主人和朋友非常忠诚,对爱情很专一,通常很安静,但受到威胁时会变得很激动。

shanty [' 鎛ti] n. 临时小屋(简陋小屋)

The shepherd rigged up a shanty for a night' s rest.


terror [' ter] n. 恐怖

She stared at him in terror.


energetic [,en' detik] adj. 精力旺盛的

He is an energetic person.


ridicule [' ridikju:l] n. 嘲笑;愚弄;笑柄

He became an target for ridicule.





Even sad experience failed to teach him that he must keep his nose out of the rat trap.

fail to:没能做成……

He watched the wagon out of sight, raising his voice from time to time in the most doleful howlings.

from time to time:有时;不时


That Old Black Dog

基姆·格尔登 / Jim Golden

Once upon a time in my life, way up on this great big hill there lived this really old farmer. That old man didn' t have any cows, horses, pigs or chickens, in fact, that old famer didn' t even have an old farm wife to help take care of him. Everyone around town knew that this old guy was a very mean person. He was so mean that he could hardly wait for the rain to stop so he could run outside and chase all the birds away who were coming out to sing and eat grain on his farm. That is just how mean this old farmer really was.

"Ain' t gonna shoot you right here because it' s too big a mess, " said the farmer, as he lowered his shot gun. Then he reached down and grabbed the scared old female dog by the back of the neck and drug her on her side all the way over to his pick-up truck. The old dog was just a-crying and a-whining the whole time. But that did not matter to that mean old farmer. He just took the old black dog and flung her, as hard as he could, into the back of his old run down pick-up. Then hit her in the rump a couple of times with the butt of his shot gun until she laid down. Then he jumped in the truck and headed as fast as he could down the long winding dirt road, towards the woods.

Faster and faster the old farmer drove, just a talking and cursing out loud the entire time. That beat up old truck was a-slipping and a-sliding all over the wet dirt road. First sliding this a-way and then sliding that a-way. Then all of a sudden the truck slid sideways and ran completely off the dirt road, hit the ditch and began rolling over and over. There were bushs, leaves, dirt and all kinds of stuff being flung everywhere. Finally everything became very still and quiet, except for the crackle of a small fire that was coming out from underneath the old pick-up truck.

"Please, somebody help me!" yelled the old farmer. But there was nobody to help him, not even that old black dog who had now ran away in order to save herself.

Once again, the old man was all alone, just like he had been for the past thirty years on his farm. The fire was getting hotter and hotter and closer and closer. The old man finally laid his head back down into the dirt, softly cursing, crying to himself and trying to fling a little dirt with his fingers onto the fire. His hands were burnt and dirty and his overalls were singed and smoking. Finally he just gave up, gave one last cough and slowly lowered his face into the dirt and ash.

All of a sudden he heard voices coming from the road behind him. Very slowly he raised his blackened face and looked back towards the road, as best he could being up side down. Here came that old black dog hobbling as fast as she could towards him. Behind that dog were five or six people running towards the burning truck.

I really do not know much about what happened after that because I moved away several days later because my small clothing store in Brunswick, Georgia, had been broken into so many times that I had to shut it down. But as I was in the Hazlehurst area, where my distributor was located and after being gone for three years, I decided to stop at the local diner for a cup of coffee. As I sat there quietly, looking out the window, I noticed this burnt old black pick-up truck with it' s side caved in sitting across the street at the local feed store. Two young boys were loading bales of hay into the back. I looked down the long wooden loading ramp to where there were three or four old weather beaten rocking chairs and to my surprise I saw this one legged,laughing old farmer man, his crutches leaning against the wall, hugging this three legged, one eared, dirty old black dog who was licking him in the face, as though she liked him!





