第12章 思念里的流浪狗 (2)(1 / 1)

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产 地:中国

概 述:北京犬是一种中国古老的犬种,身体结构紧凑,前躯重后躯轻,体态匀称,憨态可掬,乖巧玲珑。它不仅形如狮子,也具有男子的勇气。它聪慧、机敏、勇敢、温顺可爱、大胆、活泼,对主人忠诚,自信、友善而充满感情,以其独特的东方血统和个性在犬的世界里具有非常重要的地位。

purchase [' p:ts] v. 购买

We should not encourage people to purchase cars.


ungainly [n' geinli] adj. 笨拙的;不雅的

He regarded as ungainly or dull witted.


evidence [' evidns] n. 根据;证据

We see evidence of the crime already.


hesitation [,hezi' tein] n. 犹豫

He answered without a moment' s hesitation.





Sam persuaded his wife to accompany them back to the woods. persuade... to:劝说;说服

They smiled at him indulgently and moved off pretty fast.

move off:离去(出发;走掉)



欧内斯特·西顿·汤普森 / Ernest Seton Thompson

The rest of that winter in 1882 Bingo spent in our shanty, living the life of a lubberly, fat, well-meaning, ill-doing puppy; gorging himself with food and growing bigger and clumsier each day. Even sad experience failed to teach him that he must keep his nose out of the rat trap. His most friendly overtures to the cat were wholly misunderstood and resulted only in an armed neutrality that, varied by occasional reigns of terror, continued to the end; which came when Bingo, who early showed a mind of his own, got a notion for sleeping at the barn and avoiding the shanty altogether.

When the spring came I set about his serious education. After much pains on my behalf and many pains on his, he learned to go at the word in quest of our old yellow cow, that pastured at will on the unfenced prairie.

Once he had learned his business, he became very fond of it and nothing pleased him more than an order to go and fetch the cow. Away he would dash, barking with pleasure and leaping high in the air that he might better scan the plain for his victim. In a short time he would return driving her at full gallop before him, and gave her no peace until, puffing and blowing, she was safely driven into the farthest corner of her stable.

Less energy on his part would have been more satisfactory, but we bore with him until he grew so fond of this semi-daily hunt that he began to bring "old Dunne" without being told. And at length not once or twice but a dozen times a day this energetic cowherd would sally forth on his own responsibility and drive the cow home to the stable.

At last things came to such a pass that whenever he felt like taking a little exercise, or had a few minutes of spare time, or even happened to think of it, Bingo would sally forth at racing speed over the plain and a few minutes later return, driving the unhappy yellow cow at full gallop before him.

At first this did not seem very bad, as it kept the cow from straying too far; but soon it was seen that it hindered her feeding. She became thin and gave less milk; it seemed to weigh on her mind too, as she was always watching nervously for that hateful dog, and in the mornings would hang around the stable as though afraid to venture off and subject herself at once to an onset.

This was going too far. All attempts to make Bingo more moderate in his pleasure were failures, so he was compelled to give it up altogether. After this, though he dared not bring her home, he continued to show his interest by lying at her stable door while she was being milked.

As the summer came on the mosquitoes became a dreadful plague, and the consequent vicious switching of Dunne' s tail at milking-time was even more annoying than the mosquitoes.

Fred, the brother who did the milking, was of an inventive as well as an impatient turn of mind, and he devised a simple plan to stop the switching. He fastened a brick to the cow' s tail, then set blithely about his work assured of unusual comfort while the rest of us looked on in doubt.