第19章 获诺贝尔文学奖的演说辞(1 / 1)

Nobel Prize Address for Literature

温斯顿·伦纳德·斯宾塞·丘吉尔 / Winston L. S. Churchill


Pre-reading Activities

Before you read this article, think over the questions below.

What do you know about Winston Churchill as a British prime minister or a winner of Nobel Prize? Do you know anything about his personality?

The roll on which my name has been inscribed represents much that is outstanding in the world’s literature of the twentieth century. The judgment of the Swedish Academy is accepted as impartial, authoritative and sincere throughout the civilized world. I am proud but also awestruck at your decision to include me. I do hope you are right. I feel we are both running a considerable risk, and that I do not deserve it. But I shall have no misgivings if you have none.

Since Alfred Nobel died in 1896 we have entered an age of storm and tragedy. The power of man has grown in every sphere except over himself. Never in the field of action have events seemed so harshly to dwarf personalities. Rarely in history have brutal facts so dominated thought or has such a widespread individual virtue found so dim a collective focus. The fearful question confronts us: Have our problems got beyond our control? Undoubtedly we are passing through a phase where this may be so. Well may we humble ourselves and seek for guidance and mercy.

We in Europe and the western world who have planned for health and social security, who have marveled at the triumphs of medicine and science, and who have aimed at justice and freedom for all, have nevertheless been witnesses of famine, misery, cruelty and destruction before which pale the deeds of Attila and Janghiz Khan. And we who, first in the League of Nations and now in the United Nations, have attempted to give an abiding foundation to the peace of which men have dreamed so long, have lived to see a world marred by cleavages and threatened by discords even graver and more violent than those which convulsed Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire.

It is upon this dark background that we can appreciate the majesty and hope which inspired the conception of Alfred Nobel. He has left behind him a bright and enduring beam of culture, of purpose, and of inspiration to a generation which stands in sore need. This world-famous institution points a true path for us to follow. Let us, therefore, confront the clatter and rigidity we see around us with tolerance, variety and calm.

The world looks with admiration and indeed with comfort to Scandinavia, where three countries, without sacrificing their sovereignty, live united in their thought, in their economic practice, and in their healthy way of life. From such fountains new and brighter opportunities may come to all mankind. These are, I believe, the sentiments which may animate those whom the Nobel Foundation elects to honor, in the sure knowledge that they will thus be respecting the ideals and wishes of its illustrious founder.









Chunks in Use

Match each of the following words with its meaning.

(1) authoritative ?a. not supporting one person or group more than another

(2) impartial b. existing or happening over a large area or among

many people

(3) widespread c. showing that you expect people to obey and respect you

(4) violent ?d. the willingness to accept or tolerate somebody or

something, esp. opinions or behavior that you

may not agree with

(5) tolerance e. involving or caused by physical force that is intended

to hurt or kill somebody

Now a Try

Fill in the following blanks with proper words or phrases according to

the given sentences.

1.Her parents made ________ so that she could live a better life and have a

good education.


2.The manager announced at the meeting that our company ________________

doubling our production in the next season.


Chunks in Practice

Do you know who else won the Nobel Prize?


