The purpose of this study was to investigate the development of children’s reading proficiency through kindergarten to sixth grade.The three research questions were: (1) what was the Chinese children’s reading developing trends from kindergarten to sixth grade ?(2)what factors were playing the crucial roles in children’s reading development? What are the relationships among rapid naming, working memory and metalinguistic awareness?(3)what tasks were the best indicators of effectively measuring children’s development of reading proficiency.2447 students in kindergarten, first, second, fourth and sixth grade were stratified randomly selected from thirteen public schools participated in this study in Beijing.All participants completed an assessment battery designed to measure phonological awareness, morphological awareness, RAN, working memory, character naming and fluent reading.The results showed that all of the scores on measures in reading proficiency increases as their grade increases.The factorial structure indicated equivalence of the factorial structure across grades. The four main factors of morphological awareness, speed, phonological awareness and working memory were significantly contributing to Chinese children’s development of reading proficiency.Speed is one aspect of metalinguistic awareness.Working memory is relatively independent from metalinguistic awareness. The study also revealed that the character naming and fluent reading both tasks are the best indicators for measuring children’s development of reading proficiency.The results provided empirical evidence regarding assessment of Chinese children’s reading proficiency cross grades, and
bring up substantial implication in Chinese children’s reading instruction and assessment.
reading, naming, fluent reading, measuring, assessment of reading, the development of children’s reading proficiency, children’s reading proficiency
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[1] 美国传腾国际大学
[2] 北京第二外国语学院
[3] 北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室