
快速命名是汉语儿童阅读能力的一个早期预测指标(Lei et al.,2011;Pan et al.,2011),快速命名缺陷是汉语阅读障碍儿童的主要缺陷(Ho et al.,2002;Ho et al.,2004)。这个任务的施测非常简单,因此,训练教师在校园环境中进行快速命名测量并不困难。它是一个可以帮助教师和教育心理学家在早期学校教学活动中鉴别可能存在阅读困难儿童的快速而有效的测量手段。以往教育心理学和发展心理学使用回归分析等方法对快速命名与阅读关系的探讨是比较间接的,而从实验控制的角度使用眼动追踪技术的研究结果则可以直接考察这个问题,帮助教师确切了解这些导致儿童快速命名缺陷的原因,推测他们在阅读上存在的问题,从而对他们进行更有效的帮助。然而这些研究还在起步阶段,研究成果有限,仍需要持久、深入、细致的系统研究来回答相关问题。

摘要 Abstract

Rapid automatized naming (RAN) is an important predictor of reading development and impairment in many different orthographies varying in orthographic depth.However, it is unclear how exactly it is related to reading.Traditional research is developmental and educational psychology investigated this issue from statistical perspective (e.g., regression analyses).Recently, researchers took an experimental perspective and employed the eye-tracking technique to investigate this issue by precisely manipulating some processes in the RAN tasks.This paper introducesprevious studies on the RAN tasks, and elaborates findings of eye movement studies on Chinese dyslexic children during RAN tasks in detail.


rapid automatized naming, reading, eye tracking



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[1] 德国波茨坦大学心理系

[2] 北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室