摘要 Abstract
Reading network is shaped by reading experience.Given the differences across languages and writings, different reading networks are developed for the reading of different languages.For Chinese and Alphabetic languages (especially English), the differences in visual orthography and orthography-phonology mapping lead to divergence in reading networks: compared to English, the reading of Chinese requires more visual orthography analysis, accordingly, involves right fusiform gyrus and bilateral middle occipital gyri additionally.In English reading, the phonological processing and orthographical processing occur simultaneously, and such cascade-style processing is related to activation in left posterior superior temporal gyrus.The processing of phonology in Chinese is threshold-style, and there are a large amount of homophones, the engagement of left middle frontal gyrus in finalizing the target characters through lexical integration and selection is especially important.However, some brain regions play a universal role across languages, such as left fusiform gyrus in visual word form analysis and left inferior parietal lobe in orthography-phonology mapping.Evidence from native speakers and bilinguals support these arguments.
Chinese, English, cross-language comparison, reading network
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[1] 美国匹兹堡大学(Trident University of Pittsburgh)
[2] 美国匹兹堡大学(Trident University of Pittsburgh)