
[1] “Because of Orientalism the Orient was not(and is not)a free subject of thought or action.”语见萨义德(Edward Said),《东方主义》(Orientalism),New York,1994.

[2] “Because of Orientalism the Orient was not(and is not)a free subject of thought or action.”语见萨义德(Edward Said),《东方主义》(Orientalism),New York,1994,第38-39页。

[3] Susie C.Rijnhart,With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple,New York:Fleming H.Revelt,1901,p.125.关于她的生平和在西藏的经历见Peter Hopkirk,《世界屋脊的入侵者》(Trespassers on the Roof of the World,The Race for Lhasa),London:John Murray 1982,pp.137-158:The Nightmare of Susie Rijnhart.

[4] H.P.Blavatsky,《西藏教法》(Tibetan Teachinfgs),in Collected Writings 1883-1884-1885,Los Angeles:Blavatsky Writtings Publication Fund,1954,6:105.

[5] Rudolf Kaschewsky,《二十世纪前西方的西藏形象》(Das Tibetbild im Westen vor dem20.Jahrhundert),Mythos Tibet:Wahrnehmungen,Projektionen,Phantasien,K?ln:DuMont 1997,pp.16-30.

[6] Rudolf Kaschewsky,《托勒密和莲花生的铜色山》(Ptolemaeus-und der kupferfarbene Berg Padmasambhavas),Klaus Sagaster and Michael Weiers,Documenta Barbarorum,Festschrift für Walter Heissig zum70.Geburtstag,Wiesbaden:Otto Harrassowitz,1983,pp.218-224.

[7] 《伯朗嘉宾蒙古行记》,耿昇、何高济译,北京:中华书局,1985年,第50-51页。

[8] 《鲁布鲁克东行记》,何高济译,北京:中华书局,1981年,第252-253页。参见William W.Rockhill,The Journey of Friar William of Rubruck to the Eastern Parts of the World,1253-55,as Narrated by himself,London:Hakluyt Society,1900,pp.145-146.

[9] 《寰宇记》通常被称为《马可波罗记》,有汉译本四种,其中以冯承钧于1963年根据沙梅昂法文译注本翻译的《马可波罗记》最通行。

[10] 《鄂多立克东游录》,何高济译,北京:中华书局,1981年,第82-83页。

[11] 关于安德拉德的生平事迹见Juergen C.Aschoff,《察布让——西部西藏的王城,耶稣会神父Antonio de Andrade的全部报道和对今日寺院状况的描述》(Tsaparang-K?nigsstadt in Westtibet.Die vollstaendigen Berichte des Jesuitenpaters Antonio de Andrade und eine Besehreibung von heutigen Zustand der Kloester),München:Eehing,1989.

[12] 详见德国学者Ulrich Kneflkamp著《寻找约翰长老的王国》(Die Suche nach dem Reich des Priesterkoenigs Johannes),Dargestellt anhand von Reiseberichten und anderen ethnographischen Quellen des12.Bis17.Jahrhunderts,Gelsenkirchen:Verlag Andereas Mueller,1986.

[13] 此书见于L.Petech编,《在西藏和尼泊尔的意大利传教士》(I missionary Italiani nel Tibet e nel Nepal,Roma:1954-56),卷5-7;此书的英文简译见Filippo de Filippi,An Account of Tibet:the Travels of Ippolito Desideri of Pistoia,S.J.,1712-1727,rev.ed.,London:George Routledge & Sons,1937.参见Donald S.Lopez,Jr.,《拜倒在喇嘛脚下的外国人》(Foreigner at the Lama's Feet),Curator of the Buddha- The Study of Buddhism under Colonialism,Edited by Donald S.Lopez,Jr.,Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1995,pp.253-256.

[14] De Pilippi,ed.,An Account of Tibet,pp.225-226.

[15] 这部著作题为《白头喇嘛Ippolito向西藏的贤者请教宿世和空性的见地》(Mgo dkar gyi bla ma I po li do zhes bya ba yis phul ba'i bod kyi mkhas pa mang la skye ba snga ma dang stong pa nyid kyi lta ba'i sgo nas zhu ba),至今仍收藏在罗马耶稣会档案馆内。

[16] 对Desideri的最新研究有Trent Pomplun,Jesuiton the Roof of the World,Fppolito Desideri's Mission to Tibet,Oxford University Press,2010.

[17] Zedlers Universal-Lexicon,卷44,莱比锡1745.

[18] Bernand Picart,The Ceremonies and Religious Customs of the Various nations of the Known World,London 1741,p.425.转引自Lopez,Prisoners of Shangri-la,Tibetan Buddhism and the West,Chicago and London:The University of Chicago Press,1998,p.22.

[19] Johann Gottfried von Herder,Outline of a Philosophy of the History of Man,trans.T.Churchill,1800:reprint,New York:Bergman Publishers,1966,pp.302-303.

[20] J.G.Herder,Saemtliche Werke,Vol.14,Berlin,p.23.

[21] Immanuel Kant,Werke Bd.IX,Darmstadt 1983,p.185.

[22] Jean-Jacques Rousseau,The Social Contract and Discourses,trans.G.D.H.Cole,London:J.M.Dent & Sons,1973,p.272.

[23] Peter Bishop,《不只是香格里拉:西方文学中的西藏形象》(Nicht nur Shangri-la:Tibetbilder in der westlichen Literatur),Mythos Tibet,p.211.

[24] Huc and Gabet,Travels in Tartary,Tibet and China,1844-1856,London 1850,2:p.52.

[25] 参见Lopez上揭书,第25-34页。

[26] Thomas Astley,A New Collection of Voyages and Travels Consisting of the most Esteemed Relations Which have been Hitherto Published in any Language Comprehending Everything Remarkable in its Kind in Europe,Asia,Africa,and America,1745-1747,p.220.

[27] Meyers Konversations-Lexikon,4.Aufl.,Leipzig 1889,p.689.

[28] G.W.F.Hegel,The Philosophy of History,trans.J.Sibree,New York:Dover,p.170.

[29] 参见Lopez,《拜倒在喇嘛脚下的外国人》(Foreigner at the Lama's Feet),揭载于Lopez编,《佛之管家:殖民主义下的佛教研究》(Curators of the Buddha.The Study of Buddhism under Colonialism),Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1995,pp.256-259.

[30] Victor Jacquemont,Letters from India,1829-1832,trans.Catherine Alison Philips,London:Macmillan,1936,p.324.

[31] Derak Wellor,《班第——英印对西藏的侦测》(The Pundits:British Exploration of Tibet),载《西藏与中原关系国际学术研讨会论文集》,台北,1993年,第433-510页。

[32] 此文发表在Bulletin Scientifique Publie par L Academie Imperiale des Sciences de Saint-Petersbourg I.No.I(1836)关于他的生平和著作见沈卫荣,《联邦德国的西藏学研究和教学》,台北:蒙藏委员会,1994年。

[33] Lopez,《香格里拉的囚徒:藏传佛教与西方》,第23页。

[34] L.Austine Waddell,Tibetan Buddhism:With Its Mystic Cults,Symbolism and Mythology,and in Its Relation to Indian Buddhism,New York:Dover Publications,1972,pp.10,14,157.