一篇牛津申请文书:如何快速突出个人优势(1 / 1)

牛津女孩 赛茜 2938 字 2个月前









At the age of 9, I migrated from a global-south NIC to a global-north developed nation. This physical transfer of place was the initial contributor to my interest in studying geography. The diversity of culture over space taught me how different values and traditions can actively construct society and shape the lives of people. I deeply understood the existence of inequality and I am passionate to pursue the reasons behind it.

By reading the Marxist D.Harvey's Spaces of Global Capitalism, I gained a strong insight into the causes of uneven development. N.Smiths Uneven Development explained how this is a socially and politically constructed phenomena based on capitalism. This made me realise that geography is not only relevant to our everyday life, but that it has the potential to change and improve the lives of billions. This inspired me to conduct an EPQ focusing on economic geography, with the title “To what extent is gender inequality linked to a nation’s oil production?” My desire to ind a solution to uneven geographical development can only be accomplished through further academic study. I want to continue to challenge myself in the ield of geography to contribute to a more equal world.

Whilst reading Geography: A Very Short Introduction, I became fascinated by the logic behind W.Christaller's “Central Place Theory”. A model approach was able to demonstrate the hierarchy of different settlements and present spatial patterns of urbanisation. This led me to carry out further rescarch, through which I found out that economists like A.Losch were inspired to use gravity models and network analysis to build a similar form to explain the number, size and relative locations of settlements. I was fascinated by the power of models, where complex social processes can be more simply explained by diagrams that interconnect key factors. During my future academic life, I hope to combine my geographical knowledge and mathematical abilities to create helpful and more realistic models to provide explanations and predictions for key geographical concerns.

My recent participation in the RES essay competition made me appreciate further the strong human-environmental interaction. In answering the question “Should the government compensate flood victims?”, I used my physical geography knowledge to analyse the possible causes, socioeconomics and environmental implications of this hazard. From my A-Level economics lessons, I learnt that lood defence is a quasi-public good and that governments should allocate their budgets by thinking in the long term to prevent such potential disasters. At a geography taster course at Oxford University, I also learnt that local groups could implement CBFM at a small scale to self-help. All of this information helped me to draw a conclusion that considers the holistic view of this issue. I thoroughly enjoyed researching beyond the A-level syllabus and I strive to continue to broaden all my horizons in order to evaluate and provide solutions to controversial debates.

Alongside of my academic life, I enjoy activities that enhance my other abilities. As a team leader at the Target 2.0 competition held by the Bank of England, I learnt how to make the best decisions with the least opportunity cost. My belief in sustainable development in the financial sector has helped me to secure an internship with PwC. I have further demonstrated my committed approach to life by representing Leeds District Netball, after 9 years of school participation. My love and dedication to music has led me to achieve grade 8 in piano.










