■Canadian Society and Culture
◆ Cultural Diversity
Canada is culturally diverse, which dates back to the 1890s when it began attracting people from all over the world to settle in the country to help it develop and grow. Canadian immigration policy was open, welcoming and equalitarian in its philosophy throughout history. This has also been displayed in the psyche of the nation where people are encouraged and to maintain their cultural identities, traditions, languages and customs.
◆ Individuals Concerned with the Group
In general, Canadians are a gracious, polite and extremely community-oriented people. Although they are individualistic in terms of their basic cultural characteristics, they notwithstanding emphasize the individual’s responsibility to the community. This is viewed as giving balance and a good quality of life.
◆ Regionalism
Most Canadians have a strong loyalty to their province or region, sometimes more so than to the country. There are some general differences between regions, which can generally be summarized as follows:
◇Atlantic Provinces (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland): The people keep their feelings hidden and adhere to past practice, to the point that they are viewed as old-fashioned.
◇Ontario: This is the business centre and the people have the tendency to be business-like and conservative.
◇Western Canada (Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan): The people are open, hospitable and relaxed.
◇British Colombia: The people are less traditional. This province is often regarded as the Canada of the future.
◇Quebec: The French region has a marked cultural identity. The people are extremely regionalistic/independent.
◇North: The people have a strong pioneer spirit.
■Customs and Etiquette in Canada
◆ Meeting and Greeting
◇The handshake is the most common greeting.
◇Maintain direct eye contact and a sincere smile while shaking hands.
◇Do not use someone’s first name until invited although Canadians are inclined to switch to a first-name basis rapidly.
◇French Canadian friends may greet each other by slightly kissing on the cheeks (once on the left cheek and once on the right cheek).
◇If speaking French in Quebec always use the formal pronoun “vous” (you) when speaking to someone and do not change to the informal “tu” unless allowed to do so.
◆ Gift Giving
◇Generally Canadians send gifts for birthdays and Christmas.
◇If you are invited to someone’s home for dinner, bring a box of good chocolates, flowers or a bottle of wine.
◇In Quebec, it is proper etiquette to send flowers in advance of the dinner party. If you send wine, make certain it is of the highest quality you can afford.
◇Do not send white lilies as they are flowers for funerals.
◇Do not send cash or money as a gift.
◇Gifts are usually opened when received.
◆ Dining Etiquette
◇Table manners are relatively relaxed and informal in Canada.
◇Quebec is a little more formal.
◇Table manners are generally Continental, i.e. hold the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right hand while eating.
◇Wait to be directed to your seat.
◇Begin eating after the hostess starts.
◇Do not place your elbows on the table.
◇Feel relaxed to turn down individual foods or drink without giving an explanation.
◇It is generally acceptable to leaving a small amount when you finish eating.
◇In formal situations, the host makes the first toast. An honored guest should make the toast in return later in the meal. Women may make toasts.
■Business Etiquette and Protocol
◆ Meeting and Greeting
◇Canadian businesspeople often start relationships in a rigid manner; once people get to know one another, it becomes genial and informal.
◇Canadians admire politeness and expect others to follow the appropriate protocol for any given situation.
◇Shake hands with everyone at the meeting when you arrive and depart.
◇Maintain eye contact while shaking hands.
◇Men may offer their hand to a woman before she extends hers first.
◇Honorific titles and surnames are seldom used. However, academic titles are important in Quebec, which are used with the honorific Monsieur or Madame.
◇Exchange business cards after the initial introduction. In Quebec, have one side of your business card printed in French. Hand the card with the French side facing the receiver.
◇Look at any card you receive carefully before placing it in your card case.
◆ Canadian Communication Styles
It is difficult to define any national characteristics in terms of communication in Canada because of its regionalism and cultural diversity. However, there are some basic and fairly standard communication styles across the country. For example, business people are usually good-mannered, easy-going and somewhat informal.
In general, communication is “moderately indirect” perhaps manifesting a combination of both North American and British tendencies. Although most Canadians can show disapproval openly when necessary, they prefer to do so with tact and delicacy. Their communication style is essentially pragmatic and depends on common sense. If you are from a culture where communication is very direct, you may wish to become more sympathetic and less critical so as not to appear threatening.
Communication styles differ most between Anglophone and Francophone parts of the country. Francophones are usually more indirect than Anglophones, although less so than the French. They are also inclined to be more ebullient than Anglophones. Anglophones do not generally disrupt someone who is speaking. They regard it impolite not to let a person complete their thought before starting the discussion. Francophones tend to interrupt another speaker.
Canadians communicate more by the spoken word rather than non-verbal expressions. Non-verbal expressions are only really used to emphasize a message or are part of an individual’s personal communication style.
Canadians like their space and prefer to keep an arm’s length when speaking to someone.
Canadians are reserved to discuss their personal lives with business colleagues. They expect people to come to the point and to be able to support their claims with examples. They do not make high-flown claims and are unwilling to believe something that sounds too good to be true.
◆ Business Meetings
Canadians start meetings with a minimum amount of small talk although one should expect to spend a few minutes exchanging pleasantries and the like. In Quebec more time may be spent in developing relationship.
Meetings are usually well-organized and follow time schedules. They are inclined to be informal and relaxed in manner even if the subjects that are discussed are serious. When meeting with Anglophones, meetings may seem more democratic as all participants will be involved and contribute. Due to a greater respect for hierarchy and position, meetings with Francophones may be more around the most senior attenders.
Meetings in Canadian companies are intended to review proposals, make plans, brainstorm and communicate decisions. Attendees will usually come from various levels and experiences; all are expected to express opinions.
When demonstrating information, it is important to use facts and figures to verify claims and promises. Canadians are basically rational and logical and thus they will not be persuaded by emotions, passion or feelings.