●Russia(1 / 1)

■Russian Society and Culture

◆ The Russian Family

◇The Russian family depends upon all its members.

◇Most families reside in small apartments, often with 2 or 3 generations sharing little space.

◇Most families are small, often with only one child because most women must go out to work besides bearing sole responsibility for household and chores of raising a child.

◆ Russian Pride

◇Russians take great pride in their country.

◇Patriotic songs and poems glorify the virtues of their homeland.

◇They admit that their lives are difficult and take pride in themselves being able to survive in conditions that others could not.

◇They are proud of their cultural heritage and expect the rest of the world to appreciate it.

◆ Communal Mentality

◇For generations until the 1930’s, Russian life revolved around the agricultural village commune, where the land was owned in common and decision-making was the responsibility of an assembly of the heads of households.

◇This affinity for the group and the collective spirit still exists today. It can be found in everyday life, for example, most Russians will join a table of strangers rather than eat by themselves in a restaurant.

◇Everybody’s business is also everyone else’s, so strangers will stop and tell someone that they are against the rules.

■Etiquette and Customs in Russi

◆ Meeting Etiquette

◇The typical greeting is a firm, almost bone-crushing handshake with direct eye contact and giving the proper greeting for the time of day.

◇The handshake between men and women is less firm.

◇The way female friends greet each other is to kiss on the cheek three times, starting with the left and then alternating.

◇Close male friends may greet by patting each other on the back and embrace.

◆ Naming Conventions

Russian names are made up of:

◇First name, which is the person’s given name.

◇Middle name, which is a patronymic or a version of the father’s first name that is formed by adding “-vich” or “-ovich” for a male and “-avna” or “- ovna” for a female. The son of Ivan would have a patronymic of Ivanovich while the daughter’s patronymic would be Ivanovna.

◇Last name, which is the family name or surname.

In formal situations, all three names are used. Friends and close acquaintances may address each other by their first name and patronymic. Close friends and family members address each other by their first name only.

◆ Gift Giving Etiquette

◇Gifts are given between family and close friends on birthdays, New Year, and Orthodox Christmas.

◇If you are invited to a Russian home for a meal, take a small gift.

◇It is better for male guests to bring flowers.

◇Do not send yellow flowers.

◇Do not send a baby gift until after the baby is born. It is unlucky to do so sooner.

◇Russians often protest when they receive a gift. Response that it is a little something and give the gift again and it will usually be accepted.

◆ Dining Etiquette

If you are invited to a Russian’s house:

◇Be punctual or arrive no more than 15 minutes later than invited.

◇Take off your outdoor shoes. You may be provided slippers to wear.

◇Dress yourself in clothes you might wear to the office. Dressing well demonstrates respect for your hosts.

◇Expect to be revered and honored.

◇Help the hostess prepare the dinner or clear up after a meal is served. This may be refused out of courtesy. Asking “are you sure?” permits the hostess to accept your offer.

◆ Table Manners

Table manners are generally casual:

◇Table manners are Continental—hold the fork with the left hand and the knife with the right hand while eating.

◇The most senior or honored guest is served first.

◇Do not start eating until the host invites you to begin.

◇Do not place your elbows on the table, although your hands should be seen at all times.

◇You will often be persuaded to take second helpings.

◇It is polite to soak up gravy or sauce with bread.

◇Men pour drinks for women sitting next to them.

◇Leaving a small amount of food on your plate suggests that your hosts have offered ample hospitality.

◇Do not rise until you are allowed to leave the table. At formal dinners, the guest of honor rise from the table first.

■Russian Business Etiquette and Protocol

◆ Relationships and Communication

◇Russians are transactional and do not need to build long-term personal relationships before they conduct business with people.

◇It is still advisable to establish a network of people who you know and trust. The Russian word “svyasi” means connections and refers to having friends of high ranks, which is often needed to cut through red tape.

◇Being patient is mandatory.

◇It is better to err on the side of formality when it is your first contact.

◇Sincerity is very important as it is required to build trust, and trust is needed to establish a relationship.

◇Most Russians do not believe people who are “all business”.

◇Being asked for a favor by a person is a signal that you have successfully established a personal relationship.

◆ Business Meeting Etiquette

◇Appointments are required and should be scheduled as far in advance as possible. It often takes about 6 weeks to arrange a meeting with a government official.

◇Confirm the meeting when you reach the country and again a day or two ahead.

◇There are several public holidays in the first week of May, so it is best avoided.

◇You should arrive on time for meetings.

◇Typical Russian agendas are always changing and everything requires longer than expected, so get ready for being kept waiting.

◇Meetings can be called off on short notice.

◇The first meeting is often intended to determine if you and the company you stand for are trustworthy and worthy of consideration for future business cooperation.

◇Make effective use of your time to show what differentiates your company from the competition.

◇There is a long period of socializing and getting-to-know-you conversation before business is conducted.

◇Supply all printed material in both your mother language and Russian.

◇It is expected to make long and detailed presentations that contain a history of the subject and a review of existing precedents.

◇Meetings are often disrupted. It is common that several-side talks that have nothing to do with the topic of the meeting are carried on during the meeting.

◇It is expected to sign a “protocol” at the end of the meeting, which summarizes what was discussed.

◆ Business Negotiating

◇Meetings and negotiations are slow. Russians do not like being hurried.

◇It is a good idea to invite technical experts to join in your negotiating team.

◇Hierarchy is important to Russians. They revere age, rank and position. The most senior person makes decisions.

◇Russian executives prefer to deal with people of similar rank and position.

◇Russians view negotiations as win-lose. They do not believe in win-win situations.

◇Provide written materials in both your mother language and Russian.

◇Russians see concessions as weakness. They will go on negotiating until you make compromises.

◇Russians may lose their temper, walk out of the meeting, or threaten to sever the relationship in an attempt to force you to change your position.

◇Russians often employ time as a tactic, especially if they know that you have a deadline. Be careful and do not let your business colleagues know that you have time pressure or they will detain even more.

◇Nothing is final before the contract is signed. Even then, Russians will alter a contract to satisfy their purposes.

◇Never use high-pressure sales techniques as they will not be beneficial to you.

◆ Dress Etiquette

◇Business attire is formal and conservative.

◇Men are expected to wear business suits.

◇It is appropriate for women to wear subdued colored business suits with skirts that cover the knees.

◇Shoes should be highly polished.

◆ Business Cards

◇Exchanged business cards after the initial introductions without following formal ritual.

◇Have one side of your business card printed in Russian using Cyrillic text.

◇Advanced university degrees should be included on your business card.

◇Present your business card with the Russian side facing to the receiver.

◇If someone does not have a business card, pay attention to their relevant information.