●Egypt(1 / 1)

■Egyptian Society and Culture

◆ Islam

The majority of Egyptians believe in Islam, which governs their personal, political, economic and legal lives. Islam originated from what is today Saudi Arabia. The Prophet Muhammad is viewed as the last of God’s envoys (following in the footsteps of Jesus, Moses, Abraham, etc) to bring revelation to mankind. He was outstanding because of bringing a message for all human beings, rather than just to a certain peoples. As Moses brought the Bible to the Torah and Jesus, Muhammad brought the last book, the Quran. The Quran and the actions of the Prophet (the Sunnah) are used as the basis for all directions in the religion.

Among certain duties for Muslims are to pray five times a day—at dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, and evening. The exact time is published in the local newspaper each day. The Muslim holy day is Friday. Everything is closed. Many companies also close on Thursday, making Thursday and Friday be the weekend.

During the holy month of Ramadan all Muslims must fast from dawn to dusk and are only allowed to work six hours per day. Fasting contains no eating, drinking, cigarette smoking, or gum chewing. It is not necessary for expatriates to fast; however, they must not eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum in public.

Every night at sunset, families and friends get together to celebrate the breaking of the fast. The celebrations often continue deep into the night. Generally things develop more slowly during Ramadan. Many businesses carry out its work on a reduced schedule. Shops may be open and closed at unusual times.

◆ Family Values

◇The family is the most important unit of Egyptian society.

◇Kinship plays a big part in all social relations.

◇The individual is always subject to the family, tribe or group.

◇Nepotism is viewed positively, since it provides support for one’s family.

◇The family compromises both the nuclear and the extended family.

◆ Egyptian Honor

◇Honor is an important aspect of interpersonal relationships.

◇Respect and esteem for people is both a right and an obligation.

◇An individual’s honor is elaborately interwined with the reputation and honor of everyone in their family.

◇Honor requires that Egyptians show warmth to friends and guests.

◇It also demands that people dress as well as their financial situations allow, and show proper respect and reverence to their elders and those in authority.

◇A man’s word is regarded as his bond and to break your promise is to bring disgrace to your family.

◆ Social Class

◇Social class is very obvious in Egypt since it decides your access to power and position.

◇The social class an Egyptian is born into determines their everyday life and the chances they will have.

◇There are three social classes: upper, middle, and lower.

◇Status is determined more by family background than by absolute wealth.

◇There is little social mobility.

■Etiquette and Customs in Egypt

◆ Meeting Etiquette

◇The way of greetings is determined by both class and the religion of the person.

◇It is advisable to follow the lead of the Egyptian you are meeting.

◇Handshakes are the common greeting among individuals of the same sex.

◇Handshakes are not very firm and longer than expected, although they are always given with a genial smile and direct eye contact.

◇Once a relationship has been established, it is customary to kiss on one cheek and then the other while shaking hands among individuals of the same sex.

◇In any greeting between men and women, the woman must offer her hand first. If she does not, a man should lower his head to greet.

◆ Gift Giving Etiquette

◇If you are invited to an Egyptian’s home for dinner, take a small gift such as good quality chocolates, sweets or pastries to the hostess.

◇Do not send flowers, which are usually kept specially for weddings or the ill, unless you know that the hosts would enjoy them.

◇A small present for the children shows affection.

◇Always present gifts with the right hand or both hands if the gift is heavy.

◇Gifts are not opened when received.

◆ Dining Etiquette

If you are invited into an Egyptian’s house:

◇You would usually take off your shoes before entering.

◇Appearances are crucial to Egyptians. Dress well and conservatively.

◇Pay the host a compliment on the house.

◆ Table Manners

◇Wait for the host or hostess to show you where to take a seat.

◇Use the right hand only to eat.

◇It is regarded as a genuine compliment to take second helping.

◇Always show enjoyment of the meal.

◇It is considered an insult to add salt to your food.

◇Leave a small amount of food on your plate when you have been full. Otherwise they will think you are still hungry and keep filling it up for you!

■Etiquette and Customs in Egypt

◆ Relationships and Communication

◇Egyptians prefer to conduct business with those they are familiar with and respect, therefore expect to spend time developing a personal relationship before business is done.

◇What you know is less important than who you know, so it is important to network and cultivate a number of contracts.

◇Expect to be served coffee or tea whenever you meet someone, as this displays hospitality. Even if you do not take a sip, always accept the beverage. Turning down the offer is regarded as refusing the person.

◇Since Egyptians judge people on appearances, it is advisable to wear good quality conservative clothes and demonstrate yourself well at all times.

◇Egyptians believe direct eye contact indicates honesty and sincerity, so get ready for disturbingly intense stares.

◇When Egyptians are excited they are affective and use hand gestures. Usually they speak gently, although they may also shout or hit the table. This is not a sign of anger; it is merely an attempt to make a point clear.

◇You should show respect to the most senior person in the group, who will also be their spokesperson. In Egypt hierarchy and rank are very important.

◆ Business Meeting Etiquette

◇Appointments are imperative and should be scheduled in advance.

◇Confirm the meeting ahead by a week, either in writing or by telephone.

◇Reconfirm again a day or two before the meeting.

◇Meetings are usually not private unless it is needed to discuss matters confidentially. Generally Egyptians follow an open-door policy, even when they are having a meeting. This means you may be frequently interrupted. Others may even enter the room and start a different discussion. You may become involved in, but do not try to return to the original discussion until the new person leaves.

◇High officials in the government often follow more Western business practices and hold private meetings without being interrupted.

◇Business meetings usually begin after long-time inquiries about health, family, etc.

◇If you offer an agenda and presentation materials ahead of the meeting, provide both an English and Egyptian Arabic version.

◆ Business Negotiation

◇The social side of business is crucial. Egyptians must know and like you to do business. Personal relationships are necessary for long-term business.

◇Business is hierarchical. The person of the highest rank makes decisions, after getting general agreement within the group.

◇Decisions are made after long and careful consideration.

◇If the government gets involved, it will take more time to discuss since agreement must often be reached by the ministers of several departments.

◇Business develops slowly. The society is quite bureaucratic. It may take several visits to complete a simple task.

◇It is wise to invite older people with impressive titles to join in your team since Egyptians revere age and experience.

◇Expect a large amount of bargaining. Egyptians seldom view an offer as final.

◇Egyptians are non-confrontational and dislike saying “no”. If they do not reply, it usually is a negative sign.

◇Always contain research and documentation to support your claims.

◇Never use high-pressure techniques.

◇Egyptians are tough negotiators.

◆ Dress Etiquette

◇Business dress is formal and conservative. Dress well if you want to make a good impression.

◇Men are expected to wear dark-colored, lightweight, conservative business suits, at least to the first meeting.

◇Men should try not to wear visible jewelry, especially around the face and neck.

◇Women should cover themselves appropriately. Skirts and dresses should cover the knee and sleeves should cover most of the arm.

◆ Business Cards

◇Business cards are exchanged without following formal ritual.

◇Have one side of your card printed in Egyptian Arabic.

◇Always use two hands to offer the card so the receiver may read it.

◇Think highly of studying any business card you receive before placing into your card case.