●Baby-birth Celebration(1 / 1)

The coming of the new life is a transforming event, and strong instincts and emotions are brought to the fore. As parents you have to bear the new responsibility of caring for the child, and at the same time your relationship with each other along with your role in community and family. In most faith traditions and cultures rites of passage associated with birth help mark and manage this transition as well as serving to connect and introduce a child to the wider circle of family and community.

■Birth Announcement

As soon as the new life comes, the parents usually the father should phone all close friends and family members announcing the good news (but nowadays a grandparent or other relative might share the duty). The father can declare this good news through card, phone or email to other relatives, friends and colleagues. And then, the grapevine can be relied upon to spread the word.

However if there are complications, the announcement may be delayed until the well-being or health of the baby and mother are known.

■Birth Announcement Cards

The card of birth announcement should be printed in simple and elegant style, such as:

In the card you should give a clear indication of the baby’s birth date and weight. The card may be attached with a pink or blue ribbon. If the baby is not the couple’s first, then reference can be made to the siblings. For example, “a sister for Tony”.

In the modern times, many new parents also enclose a photo of the new-born.

◆ Formal Announcements

The formal and traditional birth announcements, in national or local papers, should be succinct and simple, such as:

◆ Unmarried Parents

In the case of unmarried parents, the surnames of both parents are included:

N.B. The same format would apply to same-sex female partners.

◆ Single Parent

In the case of single parent, the announcement be simplified like this:


If your close friend or relative has had a baby, you can mail a suitable greeting card to share the delight.

Usually, you won’t be able to meet the new parents for a couple of weeks (immediate family often has top priority, or they may just find the prospect of visitors too overwhelming, and you must—of course—respect their wishes). Therefore, a card is a good preliminary way of marking the birth, and will serve as a reassuring bulletin from the real world for the new parents, who frequently feel as if they have entered a strange state of suspended animation, divorced from ordinary life.

There are various birth cards available, ranging from the twee to the sentimental and humorous. Of course, you must be the best judge of what is appropriate...


It is the perfect opportunity to give the new-born a present when you pay the first visit to him/her. You needn’t worry too much about lasting, significant gifts—silver spoons and mugs, charm bracelets, leather-bound books, etc., if you want to give them at all, can all wait until the christening (or equivalent).

Baby’s hats, shoes, cardigans, shawls, and so on will be much appreciated, since most new mothers are thrilled with baby clothes. But be careful with the sizes and seasons, it would be foolish to buy a summer romper suit for a 3-6 months old baby in October.

Of course, you can aim your present at the baby. This will also delight the parents, though you should be aware that it may have no impact whatsoever on the main recipient.

Rattles, wind-up music boxes, cot mobiles and so on are all entirely appropriate. Maybe you strike lucky with a cuddly toy, and give the child a gift that he/she really does treasure throughout his/her childhood. But make sure that cuddly toys are suitable for 0-3 year-olds (they should have a CE label and should specify that they are safe for 0-3 year-olds), and ensure that they are machine-washable. Don’t expect the child to bond with your present immediately—few small babies will show interest in teddy bears etc.