●Father’s Day(1 / 1)

Father’s Day is a day to honor all the fathers for everything they did for their children. This is an occasion to express gratitude towards your dad for all his love and support. Father’s Day is celebrated on different dates in different countries. Most countries like US, UK, Canada and India celebrate this festival on the third Sunday of June.

Father’s Day festival is considered extremely important as it helps acknowledge the contribution of fathers to individual families and to societies as large. Besides, observance of Father’s Day provides children an opportunity to express love and respect for their fathers. The sentiment goes a long way in strengthening father-child relationship and consequently in the emotional development of a child.

Father’s Day is a festival to honor your father for everything he did for you. This festival is celebrated with immense enthusiasm and a lot of charm across the globe. The date and style of celebrating this festival differs from country to country but one thing that remains noticeably same is the spirit of this occasion. Everybody takes the opportunity to honor their fathers and tell them how much they are loved and appreciated. In today’s world, people celebrate this occasion with their grand dad, father-in-law, uncle, stepfather or many other men who are caring and protective as a father.

People start the preparation of Father’s Day in advance. Some prepare beautiful hand-made cards with inspirational quotations to express their love towards their dearest dad. Those who stay away from their father feel like spending that day with their dad. Hence, Father’s Day can also be termed as an occasion for reunion.

Generally, children present a bouquet of fresh flowers, a greeting card, a gift hamper, etc to their father. This can be made better by accompanying with his favorite breakfast, lunch or dinner. After such a beautiful start of the day, children usually spend a full day with dad by going out for a picnic or for a treat in a restaurant. Some people also like to throw a great party on Father’s Day and invite friends and relatives on this auspicious day.

Those who stay at home with their fathers try to assist them by completing pending works. To many children, this is the most special way of expressing affection for dad on Father’s Day and to let him know how that everything he does for the family is appreciated from the core of the heart.