Any first date could be the last.While finding a date itself proves challenging in some cases,another issue is the pressure brought on by the act of dating.With the help of dating etiquette tips,however,you will never be put into an awkward or embarrassing situations.Good dating manners leads to better dates and possibly removes the need to date ever again if true love blossoms.
■Establish Eye Contact
Whether it’s the first date or the fiftieth,strong eye contact plays a crucial role in a successful date,which shows respect for the other person and emphasizes who the number one priority of the evening is.“Eye contact is critical,” says Top Dating Tips.
■To be a Good Listener
No matter how strong the desire is to talk,be prepared to listen over what your partner said.A good date is not doing himself/herself any favors by boasting continually or hogging the conversation.Instead,listen carefully for conversational cues and speak when a proper time arises.Never interrupt or seem more concerned about speaking than hearing about the other person.
■Keep Flattery to a Minimum
Whether a man or a woman,no date wants to spend the entire conversation hearing repeated praise,which makes for a dull conversation and also makes the person paying the compliments seem overly eager.A few compliments are encouraged,but be cautious not to overdo it at the risk of coming across as desperate or focused on the wrong things.
■Avoid Intoxication
Be careful not to drink to intoxication.Alcohol is notorious for loosening tongues,and dating conversation is better when done in a skillful,controlled manner.Chances are,if something comes out while drunk that would not have come out otherwise,it will only lead to regret.
■Be Prepared to Pay
There are no rules written in stone with regard to who pay the bill at the end of a dinner date.Having no expectations of paying and letting it show when the check arrives is not likely to impress.Both sides should at least attempt to pay for the entire meal,and if neither side relents,splitting the costs is a good compromise.However,Men should still be prepared to pay for at least the first dinner date.
■Be Punctual
No matter what the excuse is,even if it is a legitimate one,showing up late to a date give a bad impression to your date,and one that may even prove impossible to recover from.Make plans to show up early or at least be right on time.Being late to a date indicates poor organization skills at best and a lack of respect at worst.So it is of great importance to be punctual.