●Talking,Listening,Mingling(1 / 1)

Furthermore,knowing how to communicate with people at a party or other social events is the mark of a gracious guest who’s always invited back.A guest’s good manners or party etiquette includes knowing how to open up a conversation and participate in one.You should realize how to be patient and not interrupt; be a good listener.And you need to think about what people is asking and respond appropriately,just as you need to consider about what you want to say and express it clearly.

Not everyone is a naturally social butterfly; just don’t shy away from conversation because this form of communication isn’t innate.With the following tips and a dose of confidence,you can be mixing and mingling in no time:

◇Think about Other People and Be Concerned with Them: If you’re shy or quiet,learn how to initiate a conversation with others and not always wait for them to draw you into it.If you’re an extrovert and very outgoing,you may need to rein in your enthusiasm and let other people have the floor.

◇Behave as if You’re a Host,not a Guest: Get close to people standing by themselves,the white-knuckle drinkers,or those who look obviously uncomfortable.Introduce people to each other.Be helpful,kind,gracious and genuine.Don’t be shy to approach people.Strangers are only friends you haven’t met yet.If you pay your attention to the other person’s comfort,you can lose your own self-consciousness.

◇Be Pleasant,Joyful,and Optimistic: When mingling,no matter what your mood is: If you’ve had a bad day,don’t rain on anyone else’s parade by talking about your negative experience—unless,of course,you want to be left standing alone.The best way you should do is to shake off the bad mood,smile and participate in it.When ending a conversation,say that you enjoyed talking with the person or that it was a pleasure experience to meet him/her.

◇To be a Good Listener not a Busy Talker:You have two ears and one mouth.Use them properly.Nothing is more flattering than someone who listens carefully,patient and shows sincere interest in others talking.

◇Know How to End Conversations Gracefully: It is perfectly fine to simply say,“Excuse me,it has been nice meeting you” or “I’ve enjoyed our conversation.” Then visibly move to some other part of the room.

◇Avoid Making Negative Comments: On the food,the room,the guests or your host: In any social situation,it is rude to make negative comments,especially when you’re a guest in someone’s home.You never know if another guest can overhear your comments.And,quite often,the person holding the party will have someone else to make the actual planning and details,and you could be speaking with someone that helped with the event.

◇To Engage a Stranger into a Conversation:Find a shared topic: travel,children or pets (if you both have them),hobbies,current news topics (preferably nothing controversial),sports,careers,films,and books are all some common safe topics of interest.

◇Avoid any Negative Type of Talk: Avoid any type of talk,such as physical injuries,accidents,sickness or off-color language or jokes.Also,it is rude to comment on the host’s home,decoration,or food; spreading offensive gossip; or bringing up controversial subjects that could make others uncomfortable or angry.Keep your mouth in check!