●Greeting Gestures(1 / 1)

People use different gestures throughout the world as simple greetings.In western cultures,the handshake is very common,though it has numerous subtle variations of grip strength,amount of “pumping” involved,and use of the left hand.A simple bow from the waist is used in many Asian cultures,with many regional variations seen.In India,it is common to see the greeting where the two hands (palms) are pressed together and held near the heart with the head gently bowed.The Arabic term salaam,literally “peace” from the spoken greeting that accompanies the gesture,means a low bow performed when placing the right palm on the forehead.And of course,there are also some other long-standing rituals used in modern society,though inclining rare.


A good handshake can make or break your first impression.A proper handshake shows your good personality.One needs to focus on manners and etiquette,in order to grow into a successful individual.There are some tips that will help developing your personality and help making a good impression with your handshake.

◇Stand when you shake your hands: This may seem simple and obvious;however,there are people who mess this up by offering a hand while sitting down or while walking.When you shake hands,always be sure you are standing still.

◇Make eye-contact and smile before you shake hands.Good eye-contact and pleasant smile show that you are really pleased to meet the person you are shaking hands with.

◇Never have sweaty palms when you shake hands.Always make sure that you have clean,dry palms before you shake hands.If you are taking part in meeting new people,wipe your palms clean beforehand.

◇Greet the other person when you shake hands.If you are meeting the person for the first time,say “Pleasure to meet you,Miss/Mr. (surname)”,If you know the person,it is appropriate to use “Good morning/afternoon” or “Hi,How are you”.Make sure you use the title (Mr./Miss/Dr./Rev.etc) and not only the first name until you are allowed to call the person by first name.And when it is the first time to meet someone,using his/her name (last name/first name as is appropriate) will help you remember it,and avoid awkward situations where you need to be introduced again to the same person.

◇Have a firm handshake.A limp handshake always gives a bad impression to people,so does a bone-crunching handshake.If you are shaking hands with a lady,you can still have a firm handshake—many ladies are offended when someone gives them a limp handshake just because they are women.

◇Thumb-to-thumb grip.A good handshake is not a palm or finger shake.For a good handshake,the web between your thumb and index finger should meet the web between the other person’s thumb and index finger.You should also remember that your left hand should never be in a pocket or otherwise defensive position when you shake hands—it should be in a visible place,unclenched and open.You may use the left hand to cup the other person’s hand,or touch the other person’s forearm,elbow,or shoulder in an intimate setting.

◇Pay attention to length.Although etiquette books suggest that a good handshake should be about 5 seconds long,you can always take cues from the other person and deliver your handshake accordingly.If a person wants a lengthier/shorter handshake,give it to him/her.

◇Handshake should be an up-down motion.Shake hands up and down rather than side to side.You should also remember that the movement should be from the wrist point onwards,not just fingers,when you shake hands.

◇Initiate a handshake.In a formal setting,the handshake should be offered by the person of a higher rank to the person of a lower rank.For example,the interviewer should first offer the hand to the interviewed person (otherwise it is considered as an attempt to dominate the interview),the CEO to the junior employee etc.This is applicable to both men and women.However,in a social setting,it is strongly suggested that a man should wait until a lady offers her hands first,before shaking her hands.But in a business setting,many women will not be offended even if you offer her a hand first.A senior employee who is a man should initiate the handshake to a junior lady in a business setting.Also remember,if you initiate a handshake by mistake when you shouldn’t have,just go ahead and finish it properly anyway.Withdraw a hand mid-shake is the worst thing.

◇Always end your hand-shake with a pleasant smile and eye-contact.


Bowing is the act of lowering the torso and head as a social gesture to another person or symbol.It is most prominent in Asian cultures but is also typical of nobility and aristocracy in many countries and distinctively in Europe.The gesture may sometimes be limited to lowering the head and this is especially prominent in China,Japan,Korea and India.In those places,it may be executed standing or kneeling.

Basic bows are performed in this way: the back straight and the hands at the sides (boys and men) or clasped in the lap (girls and women),and with the eyes down.Bows originate at the waist.Usually,the longer and deeper the bow is,the stronger the emotion and the respect it will express.

Generally speaking,bows can be divided into three main types: informal,formal,and very formal.Informal bows are made at about a fifteen degree angle or just tilt over one’s head to the front.More formal bows at about thirty degrees.Very formal bows are even deeper.The etiquette surrounding bowing,including the length and depth of bow,and the appropriate response,is exceedingly complex.For example,it is polite to bow again if the other person maintains his/her bow for longer than expected (generally about two or three seconds),upon which one may receive another bow in return.This often leads to a long exchange of progressively lighter bows.

It is often the case that an inferior bows longer,more deeply and more frequently than a superior.A superior will generally only nod the head slightly to an inferior,while some others may not bow at all and an inferior will bend forward slightly from the waist.

Both in meeting and parting,bows are commonly used in greeting.Bows almost automatically accompany the greeting phrases.However,bows are never used among the immediate family unless addressing a family member after or in anticipation of a long separation or absence.

Under certain circumstances,bows can replace speaking.For example,when you meet a person who has already spoken to you that day again,a silent bow replaces such phrase as “hello” or “hi”.

Now,many East Asians would like to shake hands when dealing with non-East Asians.As many non-East Asians are familiar with the custom of bowing,this often leads to a combined bow and handshake.Bows may accompany with handshakes,performed before or after handshakes.

When bowing in proximity to another,as necessitated when combining bowing and shaking hands,people generally turn slightly to one side to avoid bumping heads.


Cheek-kissing is a ceremonial or social gesture to perform a greeting,to indicate friendship,to show respect,to confer congratulations,or comfort someone.It does not always indicate romantic or sexual interest.In Southern Europe,the Mediterranean,the Middle East and Latin America,cheek kissing is very common.However,it is not as common in English-speaking Canada,the United States,Northern Europe and Asia.

Cheek kissing may be considered appropriate between a man and a woman,a parent and a child,two men or two women,according to the local culture.The latter is socially accepted in South Eastern Europe and in some countries of the South Western Europe,Middle East and Latin America,and in Europe generally it is becoming increasingly common especially among the young.However,it may bring up associations with homosexuality in some places in Latin America,the northern part of Europe,Asia,and the United States.

To perform a cheek kiss,both persons lean forward and either lightly touch cheek with cheek or lip with cheek.Usually,the gesture is repeated with the other cheek,or more,alternating cheeks.The number of kisses is usually one,two,three or four,depending on country and situation.Hand-shaking or hugging may also take place.

In many cultures,people perform cheek-kissing with slightly varying meaning and gesture.It may or may not be associated with a hug,for example.Sometimes the gesture might look similar,but the appropriate social context for use can vary greatly from one country to the other.


Hand-kissing is a ceremonial of greeting and respect.It is started by the person receiving the greeting by holding out her hand with the palm facing downward.Lightly holding the offered hand,the person performing kiss bows towards the offered hand and (symbolically) touches the knuckles with his lips.But in modern tradition,you should not actually touch the hand with you lips.The gesture of hand-kissing is very short,and it lasts less than a second.

The hand-kissing is always offered by a woman to a man (the man kissing the woman’s hand).It is a gesture of extreme politeness where the lady offering it is expected to be of same or higher social status than the gentleman executing it.Refusing an offered hand-kissing is considered to be impolite.But nowadays,hand-kissing has become rare and is mostly limited to conservative upper class or diplomats.Although it can still be observed in Central Europe,it has largely disappeared as a common greeting habit in Europe.

■Hat Tip

A hat tip,or doff (British English),is a cultural expression of respect,recognition,gratitude,greeting,or simple acknowledgement and salutation between two persons.

A hat tip or doff was a common non-verbal greeting between friends or acquaintances while meeting at a social gathering or walking on a sidewalk in Western societies of the 19th and early 20th centuries.Typically,two men would lift or tip their hats to each other instead of exchanging words of greeting (feminine hat tipping was rare).Where the ritual was used to emphasize social distance,the subordinate was obliged to make the more elaborate gesture.For example,the inferior should fully removing his hat while the superior merely touched his.The military hand salute is thought to have originated as a stylized hat tip.

The term “hat tip” (often abbreviated to “HT”) has become prominent in the blogosphere to acknowledge someone who drew attention to something new or interesting,or someone who has made a significant contribution toward an effort in the 2000s.


A hug is a form of physical intimacy.It is usually involves closing or holding the arms around another person or group of persons.Along with kissing,the hug is one of the most common human signs showing love and affection.But unlike some other forms of physical intimacy,it is practiced in public or in private without stigma in many countries,cultures,religions,within families,and also across age and gender lines.

Hugs are sometimes a romantic exchange.It may also be exchanged as a sign of comfort and support.A hug can show a person’s affection and emotional warmth,sometimes it arising joy or happiness at meeting someone.It is reported by the New York Times that “the hug has become the favorite social greeting when teenagers meet or part these days” in the United States.


A wave is a gesture in which the hand raising and moving back and forth,as a greeting or sign of departure.The gesture can also be used to draw people’s attention at a distance,though it usually simply means “hello” or “goodbye”.