You can’t escape from the fact that sometimes you have to speak in public.There are speeches at conferences,at wedding and at parent teacher nights.There are also speeches at Birthday and at Christenings.When you are asked to give a demonstration in front of people you have never met or in front of a large crowd of people,the fare of public speaking is a very real concern.Sometimes it is even difficult to conduct a sales meeting,because all people are watching you and what you are doing.Unluckily,public speaking is part of your life depending on where you work.However,every time someone mentions that they’d like you to give a demonstration in front of a few people,it need not be something that makes you break out in a nervous sweat.
Nowadays,a good personality can take your places.The right amount of confidence coupled with etiquette,attitude and public speaking manners may make you instantly successful in today’s competitive corporate world.But not everyone is blessed with these rewarding qualities,so most of us have to be trained for a time.Public speaking manners can not only establish your confidence and public speaking skills but also help you to get a pleasing personality and etiquette for every situation.It helps you build an impressive and attractive personality that will provide you with various appraisals and opportunities,which may never come in the way of your ordinary acquaintances.
The most important thing you should keep it in mind is: always do your homework.You should understand what the topic is,what is important to you about the topic,and more importantly what is important to the audience.Preparation,preparation and more preparation.The fear of public speaking is not so much from getting in front of a group of people as much as being afraid of making something wrong.It’s generally a imagined fear,and surely you can minimize it by being well-prepared.
You’d better forget the old technique you may have heard about imaging your audience naked.For someone it never worked.The whole idea of that technique is to take your audience as normal everyday people.When a CEO is not wearing a suit,he/she is just like you and me.Of course,he/she may have a higher position than you but in the end,he/she is just a man/woman,no one really to be intimidated by when you are up there on the podium.When he/she does public speech,he/she probably gets just as nervous as you.
Control your breathing.When you are up there,speak slowly,clearly and deliberately.Don’t be in a hurry,as you will slur your words and speak so fast that your audience will get lost,and you will fail to see their reaction which will only make you paranoid and you will think you are a total failure.
Be careful with humor.It is great that there are jokes and funny stories in a presentation,however,please ensure that they are appropriate for your audience.All those should be prepared in advance and if you are not sure about something,ask for other people’s opinion.And make sure that all your stories and jokes are relevant.
It is extremely boring sitting in an audience and the speaker is as monotone and impersonal as a computer generated voice.Try to add highs and lows in your voice,pauses where relevant to let the point sink in and above all else,be enthusiastic about your topic even if you are not.
Basically,preparation is the key to becoming a great public speaker.You may always get nervous before you “go on”.All good public speakers do.If you are not nervous before that,then you are either a very confident person or you are too confident.Taking a few deep breaths before you go on is the way to control nerves and always remind yourself to speak slowly,clearly and very very precisely in the back of your mind.As soon as you feel comfortable in speaking in front of people,those whole things are going to become automatic and you are going to be yourself up there.The more you speak in front of people,the better you will become at it.
■Speaking Etiquette
◇Get prepared before you give your talk.It is an insult to your audience to expect your audience to listen to you making it up as you go along.
◇Avoid talking about your allergies,your cold symptoms,or your hot flashes before or during your talk.
◇Never talk past your allotted time.Never speak longer than your audience is willing to listen.Going overtime is a cardinal sin.
◇Get prepared for things to go wrong.Be realized that a piece of technology may not work for you.Be realized that there will be unusually heavy traffic in the evening of your presentation.Please plan for the unexpected things so that you have contingency options.
◇In order that all people can see and hear you,please face your audience and project your voice.Make sure that your visual support is clear and easy to understand.
◇Dress for success.Show that you respect yourself and your audience.Men should wear a collared shirt and long slacks.No jeans,no tennis shoes,and no flip flops,or sweat shirts,or T-shirt.Too much make-up,cleavage,short skirts and stained clothing will similarly distract your audience.
■Listening Etiquette
◇Arrive on time and get settled before the speaker is introduced and starts talking.
◇Be careful about the perfume.Some people are allergic to cologne,smoke,and after-shave.
◇Don’t open your book bag,purse,or briefcase until the speaker is finished.Further,don’t gather your belongings before the talk is completed.
◇It is constructive to feedback to the presenter.If you have been asked to provide feedback,consider carefully the positive aspects of the presentation and your suggestions for enhancing it in the future.
◇Turn off all cell phones,pagers and beepers.Please turn it to vibrate if you must receive an incoming message.
◇During a presentation,please do not enter or leave the room.
◇Indicate that you are listening by facing and looking at the speaker.
◇Never eat while a speaker is talking.Please wait until the presentation is over.