Further reading(1 / 1)

Chapter 1: From Newton to Einstein

Russell Stannard, Relativity: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2008).

*Charles W. Misner, Kip S. Thorne, and John Archibald Wheeler,Gravitation (W. H. Freeman and Company, 1973).

Chapter 2: Gravity in the Solar System

Clifford M. Will, Was Einstein Right? Putting General Relativity to the Test (Basic Books, 1993).

*Clifford M. Will, Theory and Experiment in Gravitational Physics(Cambridge University Press, 1993).

Chapter 3: Extrasolar tests of gravity

Katherine Blundell, Black Holes: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2015).

*Ingrid H. Stairs, Testing General Relativity with Pulsar Timing, Living Reviews in Relativity 6/5 (2003) at: 〈http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2003-5〉.

Chapter 4: Gravitational waves

Harry Collins, Gravity’s Shadow: The Search for Gravitational Waves(University of Chicago Press, 2004).

*B. S. Sathyaprakash and Bernard F. Schutz, Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology with Gravitational Waves, Living Reviews in Relativity12/2 (2009) at: 〈http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2009-2〉.

Chapter 5: Cosmology

Peter Coles, Cosmology: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2001).

*Scott Dodelson, Modern Cosmology (Academic Press, 2003).

Chapter 6: Frontiers of gravitational physics

Brian Greene, The Elegant Universe (Vintage, 1999).

Leonard Susskind, The Cosmic Landscape (Back Bay Books, 2005).

*References labelled with an asterisk are advanced-level texts,intended for readers who want to learn about the subject in all its glory. They require degree-level knowledge of mathematics and physics. Readers wishing to take part in the Galaxy Zoo project should visit 〈www.galaxyzoo.org〉.